piccies are still on cards in the landy, didnt take nothing out of it last night, too tired.

If im not doing much tonight i will get some put up. no rescues needed, but it was good to have a system in place :D

only issue was a loose oil cooler pipe which spat 7l of 15/40w across the sahara :O before i noticed it.

waited a bit and flagged a car to go get me some from the nearest place (20k away)

all up and running in about an hour total. also bumped into the LRO club with no less than 29 vehicles in tow :( 2 groups 20min apart.

Morocco is so easy to travel and get plenty of offroading in, dont pay to go with an organisation. GPS maps are free and comprehensive, pistes are easy to follow once your on them, campsites are everywhere along with places to eat etc etc.

thinking of starting my own buisness taking people there for loads of £££ its THAT easy :D

2 threads down in the exped section daft. Morocco report. thought i would start a new thread so people searchin could find info easier.


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