
No probs here I just want to say thankyou to everybody who has helped me out for the last few months and further more just add a massive thankyou to who ever owns/runs this site, your doing a sterling job.
The amount of knowledge available on this site is incredible and second to none, so can I just say a huge thankyou to you all with the reasurance that when my Disco gets sick this will be my first port of call...thanks
And I'll third it,.. when I first found the zone I had a pretty reliable but ageing Disco 2, now almost a year later, I have been through most of the common faults with the TD5 engine and am aware of those that may arise, plus I am really pleased to have fitted cruise control. All aided by the zone and all of this doubley important as my 'local' dealer is well over an hour away, and is a multi-franchise with less general LR savvy than I now have. Parts are just as quick mail ordered from the UK as ordered from the French dealer network, and thanks to the detail available here I can usually quote the numbers as well.... I think its a great thing and who-ever launched it has earned a pint or two if he should pass this way.:praise:
i would also like to say thanks

it helps to have other that have been and done it and haveing the support when things go wrong


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