Aww leave the poor girl alone lol
She is a good friend of mine and it proper puzzled us all lol but all the wheels have been balanced now as they were way out so thats been ticked off now
what no coments about exeding national speed limit, if she wants to drive that fast maybe disco is wrong motor for her ?
It werent her that was driving it at the time. It was me. I am pretty sure speed limit on the motorway is 70mph so less sly comments towards her as is was not her. We were just seein if it could get to speed limit nothin else. Its a good job i did as if she had done it she would have panicked and she carryin the kids in it too.
omg so not funny lol, nor no pics are going to be posted pmsl!
And no it didnt fix the wobble , but the shims? are going to be looked at, he is out there now lol,
As for nikkie being spelt the "young" way, ive used the name since i was pre-teen pmsl, it was unique at the time!
As for 70-75mph, was overtaking , now if you say you havent done it im going to presume we are all telling fibs pmsl!

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