
New Member
hi guys just wondered what alternative heating people have used i know some defenders arent too bad in the winter but then others are awful ive been looking for a second heater but dont want to spend £100s on a eberspacher so what have people used?

ive seen competition trucks using toyota electric heaters from a land cruiser also i was told that after a certain year mercedes sprinters came with an eberspacher auxillary heater under the passenger seat that you can get cheap

i personally was going to buy a 200w in cab heater has anyone used one and what was it like, id love to hear your ideas or what you have used cheers
I just fitted a 2006 td5 heater in to my '87 90. Air comes out like a hair dryer now :) Pretty much a direct swap as well! It came out of a smashed up 90!
I still reckon a wood burner would give it a homely feel, plus you could cook your breakfast on it while it heats you up

Just a tiny one like this, hardly wider than a small pot


You can fit it instead of the cubby box or inside it then put heat shielding round so you don't burn yourself
If your standard LR heater is set up right it should roast your feet. And adding a small curtain behind your head can increase the in-front heat to toasty levels. A new matrix and a bit of fiddling is a lot less expensive than anything else.
I dont want to remove my cubby box so wood burners a no go ;-) as for the curtain i truck cab'd my truck for that reason as my 90 vvan was horrible last year. I think im going to get a new heater box and have a go with that aswell
Yeah thats pretty much what i was looking at mate is it any good?

It helps to defrost the windscreen when the engine temp takes forever to warm up in minus temps.It will also keep the inside of yer landy warm when stationary on tickover but it's nowhere near as good as an eberspacher. I can go to slep in my landy in minus 15 temps and wake up roasting with just the ceramic heater running cos my main heater is rubbish when stationary and in minus temps.
I fitted a canvas fume curtain (craddocks) to my 90 van when I were up in Glasgow for the winter. No bother to fit, a few self adhesive tie wrap bases, tie wraps and a bradawl and Bob's your toasty Scottish uncle. Mind you, I was a single man back then, not sure of the response I'd get fitting a canvas curtain in my 110 csw, denying those in the back of ANY warmth at all !:flame:
Just had another idea, some Td4 Freelanders:5bpuke: have a webasto fuel burning heater, fitted from factory. (possibly the only usefull bit on them ?). Wonder if it's an easy transplant into a Defender, any one tried?

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