
Active Member
Hi Guys,

Some holes have developed around my alpine windows, and I'm a bit stumped as to how to sort it out! Any suggestions?

Anyone you know who could teach you to weld that's how I learnt bloody useful since owning the disco!
welding best option you could bodge it with filler or fibreglass and repair later if you keep disco.

Well I think I'd rather get it sorted once and for all rather than bodge it, I'll have to put the feelers out and see if I can get someone to do it for me. Money's a bit tight atm, so I was hoping for simple fix that I could sort myself lol
I took mine out and had the rot cut out and welded back up.
Made sense while the interior trim was out during the restoration.
window out would be best you can clean and treat area depends on what you want leave window in rust could surface further round.i'd do the job good first time round unless i was get shot of car then i would just fill as it stands
I've got the same problem, thinking of taking out the windows altogether and fitting some chequer plate panels instead? Or would that look gash?

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