
New Member
Hello folks its the mad Rev again. I might have mentioned that I have changed my head gasket recently. With all the faffing with torque wrenched and angle gauges I have one question. Does one re torque ones head bolts after a few hundred miles? Ive done about 200 miles since and not sure if I should re torque and how it should be done.
Your's should be OK if you did it right the first time. It's Pogos and stuff like that needs funny re-torquing sequences. Is your heater and everything alright now?
Everythings fine now, just a faint hiss when you take the cap off. Heater is the main thing! I just recall that sometimes after say 500 miles you re torque but considering there is no actual final torque setting I wondered how/if you would do anything. I guess I worry that perhaps I didnt do them tight enough or soumething. I followed the instructions stringently but there were situations where I couldnt use the angle gauge and had to 'guess' which isnt the best way when we are talking about critical measurements!
Couldnt believe it. Been to Stoke on Trent today. Stopped in Nantwich on the way and noticed some smoke coming out the bonnet. popped the bonnet open and oily smoke coming from the rear of the soundproofing rubber on the head. Took it off and noticed oil sitting there and bubbles coming from under some of the bolts. Also noticed oil at the head/ block joint and bubbling there too. Stopped off at a mates house and took the rocker cover off and with the absence of any torque settings for the bolts decided to set all the head bolts to PDT with an 18" bar and socket.

So all that faffing with angular gauges etc a waste of time if you ask me!

PDT = Pretty damn tight
Couldnt believe it. Been to Stoke on Trent today. Stopped in Nantwich on the way and noticed some smoke coming out the bonnet. popped the bonnet open and oily smoke coming from the rear of the soundproofing rubber on the head. Took it off and noticed oil sitting there and bubbles coming from under some of the bolts. Also noticed oil at the head/ block joint and bubbling there too. Stopped off at a mates house and took the rocker cover off and with the absence of any torque settings for the bolts decided to set all the head bolts to PDT with an 18" bar and socket.

So all that faffing with angular gauges etc a waste of time if you ask me!

PDT = Pretty damn tight

Is all ok again now rev?
Got back last night after driving 130 miles at 70mph and no sign of any smoke. havent looked under the bonnet yet.
All seems OK done nearly 200 miles since the incident. I am a bit worried though. No sign of oil in water etc and no excess pressure. I did all the bolts that were loose up to a similar tightness (ie I used my forearm as a torque wrench) I did a search on here about torque settings and someone quoted thm as between 86 and 95 lb/ft. So do I go round them all and make sure they are all the same and loosen some if necessary? or should I trust my forearm?

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