not sure if them over the boarder should be allowed, considering the revolt this year (failed) !!:D:D
I be there again, complete with a girlfriend (even if I have to kidnap one on my way down)
Prices last year were fantastic for a full weekend away, food good, people were great and I think fun was had by all........
If anyone going from up this end want to form a convoy just let me know

depending on whether the bmf rallies are up and running again n I haven't buggered off to tenerife I will be making one in so I could convoy down with you as I am wakefield based :D
It's a long way for me too, and the same situation if we brought the dogs, but we might manage it in the "other car" and caravan. Wolfie - nothing definite, but if you can manage without the dogs we could give you a lift, we'd be more likely to go if we could split fuel costs. It's only a 2 berth van though, you'd need to bring your tent!
That does sound good but I've then got the problem of having to pay for boarding for the dogs. Can't win lol. I'd like to say yeah we'll go but realistically we've got a holiday in June and couldn't afford both
depending on whether the bmf rallies are up and running again n I haven't buggered off to tenerife I will be making one in so I could convoy down with you as I am wakefield based :D

Brill, that's a poss 3 vehicle convoy already, will arrange closer the day or maybe start a wakey thread
Toying with the idea of having a brass band for the early part of the evening's entertainment. Now I know this isn't everybody's cup of tea but what do people think ?

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