I'm bringing the 24 year old daughter and her boyfriend. ..the 19 year old daughter and her boyfriend and the 15 year old and ...yes you guessed it ..her boyfriend. Then I'm also bringing the 13 year old lad...I'm also having to buy three tickets to cover us all :eek:
Ah sounds like it will be a good meet up!
Need to use up some holiday time while I have the chance.
I'm bringing the 24 year old daughter and her boyfriend. ..the 19 year old daughter and her boyfriend and the 15 year old and ...yes you guessed it ..her boyfriend. Then I'm also bringing the 13 year old lad...I'm also having to buy three tickets to cover us all :eek:

so how far away will u be pitching ur tent or are u going to sleep in the landy for a fast get away , lol

u may have to recreate the scene from top gear

if their drunk load them into the landy , then open ur tent , quick reverse back , brake and all sorted :D:D
serious question but is there going to be a sort of family area of the camping. As some of us will be bringing young (and easily impressionable) children.

Keen to avoid being surrounded by swearing and boozing.

(I can swear enough when they arent there to make up for it!)
serious question but is there going to be a sort of family area of the camping. As some of us will be bringing young (and easily impressionable) children.

Keen to avoid being surrounded by swearing and boozing.

(I can swear enough when they arent there to make up for it!)

It's a big field, there will be plenty of quiet areas to pitch camp in.
There were young kids last year and I don't think I heard any swearing around them. In fact I don't recall much swearing at all. The boozing would be no more than a weekday night in a pub. It's not like a student orgy.
The boozing would be no more than a weekday night in a pub. It's not like a student orgy.

Bloody hell! That's ****ed on my bonfire :p
Well I am going to be on my best behaviour - which means not getting hammered and trying to engage people in dangerous physical activities which may result in tears and broken bones.
Well I am going to be on my best behaviour - which means not getting hammered and trying to engage people in dangerous physical activities which may result in tears and broken bones.

Haha those nights normally end up the worst! ;)
Well I am going to be on my best behaviour - which means not getting hammered and trying to engage people in dangerous physical activities which may result in tears and broken bones.

WOT??? The only reason I'm going is to see you mud wrestling and giving piggy backs. Shan't come now:mad:

Oh all right, I will

Waits for cheers, not a sausage:(
I'm going to be in so much trouble if I break something, or end up with a massive hang over and can't drive :eek:

DANGER :banana:
Just use LZ International Rescue, I presume you are a member?

Are you joking?!!!!!! It's useless!!! 7 months i've been waiting now for BB to come and rescue me… so much for helping damsels in distress :mad:


It's all right, we'll catch you,

Oh wait, you've a tall handsome Dutchman to do that:(
Ah well...

yeeeeeaaahhhhhh this is the thing… it's still in that weird new stage of the relationship where i'm not sure it's acceptable to unleash the real me yet. :eek:

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