If anythin exciting happens like cows amongst tents this time round please someone wake me up :eek: I missed all the fun :(
Can someone give me a rough itinerary for the weekend? I may be able to come but leaving early on the Sunday for other commitments, but I need to know if I'll be missing out anything big on that day. Thanks
Turn up Friday afternoon ish ..

Leave the missus to set the tent / camp up so I can 'catch up with mates' .. Loosely translated as get ****ed.

Friday night get ****ed, make fool of myself and dance .. a lot .. and sing .. a lot .. can't remember after that.

Saturday .. er .. breakfast, drive somewhere, get ****ed.

Sunday .. er .. yeah, Sunday ..
Turn up Friday afternoon ish ..

Leave the missus to set the tent / camp up so I can 'catch up with mates' .. Loosely translated as get ****ed.

Friday night get ****ed, make fool of myself and dance .. a lot .. and sing .. a lot .. can't remember after that.

Saturday .. er .. breakfast, drive somewhere, get ****ed.

Sunday .. er .. yeah, Sunday ..

Sounds good. I have an obligatory mud race with my friends in Leeds on the Sunday, so I think I'll come along, but it will be an early start on the Sunday for me before i bug out
Sounds good. I have an obligatory mud race with my friends in Leeds on the Sunday, so I think I'll come along, but it will be an early start on the Sunday for me before i bug out

The Saturday is the main day for entertainment that we've arranged ( although there is stuff to do on the sunday too...just more low key )

Be good to see you no matter how long you can stay :)
Will check dates when I'm back in work,
Anyone under the age of old grumpy basterd & midlife crisis attending?
Don't fancy being the only Young lad amongst all you bloody weirdos :rolleyes: :p

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