ha ha.hope everything is going well for you.:)

It is going ok thanks mate. Few issues and delays and it seems to take at least a week for each thing to be dealt with, hope for good news soon though!

Not forgotten about your parts, will get to them soon!
It is going ok thanks mate. Few issues and delays and it seems to take at least a week for each thing to be dealt with, hope for good news soon though!

Not forgotten about your parts, will get to them soon!

Glad it is going well for you both.As for my parts,no rush.:5btoetap05::5btoetap05::5bwilly_nilly::D
Ok so since moving house in August and not having any where to operate from all my projects have not been touched since. This one has been sat at a friend's lockup until I can get it to my now house, which was going to be this weekend but the weather events put all our plans to cock. With the weather in mind, I went for a visit to see how the old girl stood up the storm..........



Rear door got blown off, winscreen got blown out and lost two wheel arch plastics, the two in the picture I found up the croft, no sign of the rest of the set unfortunately.

Not too bad considering many have had it far worse, just a shame it happened to my poor Defender!

Hopefully I will get it home at the weekend I maybe actually do some work on it.
it's meant to be bolted on you know! :D

Yeah, I dropped a couple of screws in the hinges and latched it in place, that's more than enough surely! :D:p

Hi Dan, i was feeling weld horny so watched up to page 7 of your thread again and now im sorted:D:D

Haha very good, thanks for what I am taking as a compliment :p Funny you should say that though, my mate said just the other day "it's going to be s***e now all the welding is done!" Think people are trying to say I should just keep buying rotten chassis and weld them! :D

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