I reckoned it was a good idea to donate a tenner every time it saved me a fortune and got me out of trouble, that's twice now. Plus there is a donation going for every cable I sell on Landyzone.
I just dropped Storey an email as I was interested in when the D2 bits might come, and this is what he said :-

I am trying my best to finish the L322 Range Rover in the next few weeks. The D2 is next on the list. The P38a is very last. The D2 may be easier than I originally suspected. So it may go quickly. And there are actually only like 6 systems on the D2 compared to the 25-30 systems on the L322.
Eh? Wasn't my intention at all. All I meant was that there seem to be a lot of US owners. Yes I am on that forum too - not sure what your point is.

I think Storey is great and not sure he needs much encouragement to continue his excellent work although if we're talking about encouragement, just how many people have actually made a donation to support the eas unlock software? I have.

sorry if i sounded aggressive, was just having one of those days!

what i was trying to say is that we may not agree on the number of p38s in the US but as i did happen to know what ben found out later, that storey's put its development on a back burner, maybe a little positive reinforcement would give him an idea of how many of us already appreciate his work and would really value the P38 suite. And as you're a member of the US forums i was asking you to spread the word and drum up some more support.

you also make a very good point about financial encouragement. i haven't needed the EAS unlock as I have access to both autologic and testbook but since storey's paid me the compliment of inviting me to beta test the all comms i'm buying it even though it doesn't cover my own car (yet!). i've lined up a few L322 vogues and sports and a couple of discos too to start putting the system through its paces and will be sending him whatever data i can generate.

I just dropped Storey an email as I was interested in when the D2 bits might come, and this is what he said :-

I am trying my best to finish the L322 Range Rover in the next few weeks. The D2 is next on the list. The P38a is very last. The D2 may be easier than I originally suspected. So it may go quickly. And there are actually only like 6 systems on the D2 compared to the 25-30 systems on the L322.

more or less what he told me too although as i was asking about the P38 specifically he did go into a bit more detail about the roadblocks he's facing.
You woz robbed...bought t4 from the Receiver of a Main Stealer over here for just under 2 grand all in. Biggest load of crap I ever used. It's sat in the garage covered in cobwebs, only used it twice. Biggest waste of money I ever had. Only use it for converting lockset barcodes to Fob codes.
Your'e right, everything is "Throwaway" nowadays, don't repair...replace.

:behindsofa: Well what a surprise.....someone read the above post, offered me a few quid more than I paid for it, bit his hand off and the Test Book is finally going to be out of my workshop !!!
The Easter Bunny has come early:)
Just visited the RSW site, seems the units are available for orders.
And the software can be downloaded also.

Cant wait to get on shipped over here.

Excellent Mr Wilson!
Just downloaded it and had a look thorough it. looks good got the L322. the P38 obviously isint finished but nice to see what direction its heading.
Hi guys.

I've just ordered the new All Comms for the L322 from Storey yesterday. Just wanted to know if anyone has already recieved theirs? And if so, did you get stung of any import tax? I was going to get my brother to mail it to me as he lives in San Fran but he isn't around and i couldn't wait.

Also, can i download the software now or do i need to wait untill it arrives and enter a code or something to activate it? Im impatient you see! :)

Hi guys.

I've just ordered the new All Comms for the L322 from Storey yesterday. Just wanted to know if anyone has already recieved theirs? And if so, did you get stung of any import tax? I was going to get my brother to mail it to me as he lives in San Fran but he isn't around and i couldn't wait.

Also, can i download the software now or do i need to wait untill it arrives and enter a code or something to activate it? Im impatient you see! :)


click on this http://www.rswsolutions.com/applications/allcomms/installs/1_0_0_16.zip

its free you just need the cable for it to work.
Hi guys.

I've just ordered the new All Comms for the L322 from Storey yesterday. Just wanted to know if anyone has already recieved theirs? And if so, did you get stung of any import tax? I was going to get my brother to mail it to me as he lives in San Fran but he isn't around and i couldn't wait.

Also, can i download the software now or do i need to wait untill it arrives and enter a code or something to activate it? Im impatient you see! :)


Yes. About 8 quid.
Cheers for the heads up Rasheed. £8 doesn't sound cause for alarm :)

And cheers P38 Ireland. I have downloaded it already. Just waiting for it to arrive now. It's left the States yesterday so shouldn't be long :)
Is that right - that nobody until now has soldered together a device with accompanying software for us to buy? If that's true - does that mean all users up until now with on-board computer faults/messages have had to go to a LR 'specialist'?

I used to have an 05 WRX Impreza and there's loads of people out there with their laptops offering diagnostics (and remaps).

Is that right - that nobody until now has soldered together a device with accompanying software for us to buy? If that's true - does that mean all users up until now with on-board computer faults/messages have had to go to a LR 'specialist'?

I used to have an 05 WRX Impreza and there's loads of people out there with their laptops offering diagnostics (and remaps).


Wow that's a really good idea!! Crap lads why didn't we think of that?? I feel so stupid that none of us have ever tried OR thought of trying!

Thanks mr Alkan!!!
updated my All Comms software today, seems it now has HEVAC and ABS read functions.

Excellent upadte RSW!:banana:

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