All of the diagnostic gear is getting cheaper as time goes on - I was offered the full IDS system today at a trade show for £2500+ vat. May seem alot,but not really compared to the £9187+vat I paid for Testbook back in 2003.
I wonder if all the manufacturers will be forced eventually to make all cars a direct plug in to a laptop.... I think that would be a good thing,then diagnostics would be back to a level playing field,down to the individuals ability to interpret the info - not who has the biggest chequebook to buy all the toys.
As an aside I was really ****ed off at many of the exhibitors - most were selling things that were either solutions looking for problems,or things like coil springs.Until recently coil springs lasted the life of the car,now they are changed more often than spark plugs on many cars.
dual mass flywheels are another good example.:mad:

You woz robbed...bought t4 from the Receiver of a Main Stealer over here for just under 2 grand all in. Biggest load of crap I ever used. It's sat in the garage covered in cobwebs, only used it twice. Biggest waste of money I ever had. Only use it for converting lockset barcodes to Fob codes.
Your'e right, everything is "Throwaway" nowadays, don't repair...replace.
Bloody hell Irish all those beer tokens in the garage doing nowt. It's enough to bring a tear to me eyes. :D:D:D
There are a load of sitting tenants (Spiders as big as dinner plates !!) who have taken up squatters rights in it!!
When people buy the RSW diagnostics it will be as valuable as a 2010 pound coin.
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You woz robbed...bought t4 from the Receiver of a Main Stealer over here for just under 2 grand all in. Biggest load of crap I ever used. It's sat in the garage covered in cobwebs, only used it twice. Biggest waste of money I ever had. Only use it for converting lockset barcodes to Fob codes.
Your'e right, everything is "Throwaway" nowadays, don't repair...replace.
It was alot of money,thats true - but it has been hard at work fixing LR's every week day since feb 2003,and it still works,the laptop is still going strong and all the leads and connectors still work.Maybe it does not have all the extra features of either Autologic or Blackbox stuff - but it can do all that is needed to repair LR's,Rovers and MG's to factory spec.And thats all 99% of people want.Dont know if its true ,but I was told that T1 was £21,000 originally,so T4 was better and the price dropped alot soon after I bought it....
Sorry,but if it was such crap I would have given up on it long ago,with T4 and a Pico laptop based scope I have a base of around 60 local garages and many individuals as customers.I often get asked by local independants with other kit to do work for them as their kit is broken - or they are scared to do it.Whatever,it was alot of money,but was it worth it ? I'd say so - and its still working hard.
If I was starting from scratch now I would probably go for an Autologic which is £7995 + Vat. Simply because its a trade based tool with good backup unlike some of the others.
Getting back to the Allcomms, Data is right. Storey's is swamped. Also he's finding the P38 systems more niggley than he expected. He's promised that he is still going to work on it but between you and me, bear in mind that he's an enthusiast and not a businessman on this. His own car is an L322 and he's now written something that works for him and he's been nice enough to offer it at a fair price to anyone else might want it. P38s are also pretty much extinct in the States so there can't really be a lot of motivation for him to get going on a car that was phased out 9 years ago and who's electronics are acting coy to boot.

Unless you all write to him. Any P38 owner who's looking forward to his software should please let him know and encourage him. Well that's what I think anyway.
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P38s extinct in the States? Not the impression I've got. Look at the P38 forum on and youtube. Loads of em in the US and more enthusiasm for them than here!
I'm not going to start a ****ing contest with you Kooky. Especially as the point of my post is that if we encourage Storey he might get the added motivation to do something for us which he really doesn't owe to anyone and isn't in anyway compelled to do. In fact, are you on any of those forums? Maybe you can ask them to join in.
I don't really think storey needs encouragement to finish the P38 software. He is currently beta testing it so it can't be that far off. The symbol /logo on his page is a White p38. There would be for more p38 enthusiasts than L322 ones so it would make sense to cater for the p38.
im pretty sure storey started with a p38 and has upgraded to the l322, which makes sense to me that if your making a diagnostics system then you would make it for the model range rover you have then work on the others. im sure aswell that there would be a demand for the p38 as its probably the same in the states as is over here that the owners of the p38 carry out alot of work on their own vehicle compared to the l322.
Don't think there is need to get negative about this, there are far more P38s around than L322s. Storey has the software for the P38 and the Disco to do yet he will get it done i am sure. Will it be worth waiting for? It sure as hell will. Keep the faith.
I remember a thread where the BBS guy once said it was not possible for a single cable, without aditional hardware, to read all the systems in the P38, because of different voltages or some other electrowizardry thingie. As someone stated above it seems much easier, from the hardware point of view, to interface with the L322 than with a P38, because these systems are more standard now, than they were 15 years ago.
I remember a thread where the BBS guy once said it was not possible for a single cable, without aditional hardware, to read all the systems in the P38, because of different voltages or some other electrowizardry thingie. As someone stated above it seems much easier, from the hardware point of view, to interface with the L322 than with a P38, because these systems are more standard now, than they were 15 years ago.

I believe the Autologic works with a single cable?
You can do all with a single mulitcore cable on the P38, Faultmate uses a single cable. What no one has done yet is interface that single cable to a PC without a piece of hardware in between. Storeys new system also uses a hardware interface to the PC which is the bit you have to buy. I reckon the L322 is easier because it is a CAN BUS system that must conform in basic terms to a standard. A bit like NMEA 183 in the marine world. However just because the comms is standardised, it doesn't mean that the info on the bus is the same for all manufacturers.
The P38 on the other hand is really unique particularly in respect of the BECM and the EAS.
For Storey the future must lie with the CAN BUS systems which continue to evolve on the LR range so he has to run just to keep up with the developments.
I'm not going to start a ****ing contest with you Kooky. Especially as the point of my post is that if we encourage Storey he might get the added motivation to do something for us which he really doesn't owe to anyone and isn't in anyway compelled to do. In fact, are you on any of those forums? Maybe you can ask them to join in.

Eh? Wasn't my intention at all. All I meant was that there seem to be a lot of US owners. Yes I am on that forum too - not sure what your point is.

I think Storey is great and not sure he needs much encouragement to continue his excellent work although if we're talking about encouragement, just how many people have actually made a donation to support the eas unlock software? I have.

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