
At the weekend I took the roof off of my 3 door freelander and was just wondering if there is any alarm system or way of protecting it? I thought it would have some sort of perimeter alarm but if it did I couldnt get it to go off?

Any help would be much appreciated.

The only alarm is when a door is opened and of course there is the back up of the imobiliser secret is to watch where you park it

Aftermarket alarm.

Had a Clifford fitted to my old 98 freebie, with a proximity sensor by the handbrake, so if anyone went to get the stereo from the rear it went off, but not that sensitive that it went off if some leaves blew on the back seat.

And reverse park it into a space so that you can't see that the back's off!
think the factory fit volumetric sensors are disabled when the microswitch picks up that the roof is off.

you could try microwave sensors at low levels across the front seat, but wouldn't like to guarantee this.

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