
New Member
Hi chaps.

Just bought a Vogue V8, its a stunner and I'm in love, dangerous I know.
First few days of being parked outside my house, no problem but Sunday night, the alarm sounded, dash showing drivers door, all checked and no issue. Last night, it went off again but reset itself soon after, dash showing ignition tamper. It has not gone off in the day or at a friends house overnight, I am though parked under telephone lines, will this not help.

If I need to do a diagnostics then I will, don't want to spend money if it can be sorted by myself.

Many hanks and hope this purchase was the right decision!?

Simon. . .
I've heard its best to replace Rf module, all that wi-fi voodoo sh*t affecting it probably.
Search posts and you will get part number for updated module.
You've (hopefully) got the old RF receiver, which is a very easy, albeit unfairly expensive :( fix.
The old ones pick up signals from wifi etc and wake the computer up, which causes havoc with the alarm and the battery charge..
As said, do a quick search on something like "P38 battery drain" or "p38 RF receiver" and you'll find all the details of part numbers and replacement :)
or disconnect aerial?

Only works if you live in the country, soon as you move to residential it will be affected again, just because now we have so many wifi as well as other signals bouncing around us. Plus would you really want to fall into a false sense of security thinking everything is ok? Only to find that when you parked at the airport while on your 2 weeks in costa-del-boring the millions of signals sent your car into overload flattening your battery and potentially frying your door locks?? Not what I’d want!

Get your RF out and opened up, check to see if it needs updating, if so…. Dig deep in your pockets and get the latest version. Most of us have felt your pain!
Only works if you live in the country, soon as you move to residential it will be affected again, just because now we have so many wifi as well as other signals bouncing around us. Plus would you really want to fall into a false sense of security thinking everything is ok? Only to find that when you parked at the airport while on your 2 weeks in costa-del-boring the millions of signals sent your car into overload flattening your battery and potentially frying your door locks?? Not what I’d want!

Get your RF out and opened up, check to see if it needs updating, if so…. Dig deep in your pockets and get the latest version. Most of us have felt your pain!

Mine was disconnected for a year before I got round to replacing the RF receiver. I live in a town centre plus I left the car parked at the airport for two weeks once with no issues. Only annoying thing is having to use the key in the door to open all the time.
hi, R.F. RECIEVER = PART NO = YWY500170
there not cheap roughly about £180.00
crap really for a £20 part
theres a waiting list for them in u.k. but try breakers yards must be late model p38 2001 or 2 it wil have round GREEN sticker on it anything else forget !!!!!!!! try American or german markets if no joy in uk . if your stuck with re-sync etc P.M. me and will forward my number kind regards MOZZ
hi, R.F. RECIEVER = PART NO = YWY500170
there not cheap roughly about £180.00
crap really for a £20 part
theres a waiting list for them in u.k. but try breakers yards must be late model p38 2001 or 2 it wil have round GREEN sticker on it anything else forget !!!!!!!! try American or german markets if no joy in uk . if your stuck with re-sync etc P.M. me and will forward my number kind regards MOZZ

USA is a different frequency to UK ones, so it probably won't work. I could be wrong though.
HI JACK , you might be right could possibly be Japanese market I will do some research on it :):):) cheers mozz
USA is a different frequency to UK ones, so it probably won't work. I could be wrong though.

this is very true, however many Merkins are thick as pig sh*t so you will find some popping up on after they bought the wrong one! so offer them to cover shipping to the UK and like me you will grab yourself a cheap one ;)
HI JACK , you might be right could possibly be Japanese market I will do some research on it :):):) cheers mozz

I just phoned a Land Rover dealer today to get a price for one since I haven't replaced mine yet, and it's £278 now inc. vat

Also, I had a look at the frequencies and found
315 MHz (North America), 433 MHz (UK and ROW)
So a one from anywhere apart from America looks like it will work.
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I just phoned a Land Rover dealer today to get a price for one since I haven't replaced mine yet, and it's

£278 now inc. vat

In the name of the wee man, that's way beyond a joke :eek:

At that sort of price it must be worth somebody making a good clone -
DATATEK - it looks like it might be worth extending your Range Rover electronics business :D
In the name of the wee man, that's way beyond a joke :eek:

At that sort of price it must be worth somebody making a good clone -
DATATEK - it looks like it might be worth extending your Range Rover electronics business :D
I've thought about it, not got the time available at the moment, there is also the problem of acceptance by insurers, otherwise it's not that difficult:)
Massive thanks everyone, feeling much better knowing I may be able to sort this niggle but sure I will be shouting yo all again in the near future.

Are there any sort of meets or getting together for a pint and chat happen as is the case with my other toy?


Simon. . .
I had mine deactivated using a test-book by an indi'.
This was after I burnt a few locks and £££££.
Never again can this happen. I don't have a working remote and need to use the key in the door but I am happy that there will never be another door lock burnt out.
I had mine deactivated using a test-book by an indi

That really isn't such a bad idea!

Perhaps we could start to lean on LR to release the "source code" for the P38 so we can turn the infuriating bits off, and just bypass all this bloody alarm and immobiliser nightmare! They're so old now they can't be making that much from them.

The guy that designed the ICs has probably retired by now, do you think he'd be interested in a retirement project?
That really isn't such a bad idea!

Perhaps we could start to lean on LR to release the "source code" for the P38 so we can turn the infuriating bits off, and just bypass all this bloody alarm and immobiliser nightmare! They're so old now they can't be making that much from them.

The guy that designed the ICs has probably retired by now, do you think he'd be interested in a retirement project?

It would be nice to have absolute control over all the ECU's - would make putting different engines in them much easier!

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