cannot believe how much the price has gone up :eek:

Between this and the key saga it seems that the OEM suppliers are backing out of the P38 market. That's O.K. for mechanical bits but if it means that soon we will only be able to get second hand electronics then it's a little scary.
Between this and the key saga it seems that the OEM suppliers are backing out of the P38 market. That's O.K. for mechanical bits but if it means that soon we will only be able to get second hand electronics then it's a little scary.

think they are limiting the supply to boost prices bit like price fixing :mad:
Hi chaps.

Just bought a Vogue V8, its a stunner and I'm in love, dangerous I know.
First few days of being parked outside my house, no problem but Sunday night, the alarm sounded, dash showing drivers door, all checked and no issue. Last night, it went off again but reset itself soon after, dash showing ignition tamper. It has not gone off in the day or at a friends house overnight, I am though parked under telephone lines, will this not help.

If I need to do a diagnostics then I will, don't want to spend money if it can be sorted by myself.

Many hanks and hope this purchase was the right decision!?

Simon. . .

This thread has gone running off, in true LandyZone fashion, about RF receivers. Getting back to the original point you mention 'ignition tamper'. I've never heard this mentioned before as a result of spurious signals triggering the locking system. Plenty of lock issues but I've never heard anyone mention ignition tamper. Can I suggest that you try removing the aerial feed into the RF receiver, as already suggested by Wammers, to check that this is your issue before you spend almost £300. I haven't got the newest receiver in mine and have never had a problem.
This thread has gone running off, in true LandyZone fashion, about RF receivers. Getting back to the original point you mention 'ignition tamper'. I've never heard this mentioned before as a result of spurious signals triggering the locking system. Plenty of lock issues but I've never heard anyone mention ignition tamper. Can I suggest that you try removing the aerial feed into the RF receiver, as already suggested by Wammers, to check that this is your issue before you spend almost £300. I haven't got the newest receiver in mine and have never had a problem.

could be a p38 gremlin just trying your patience my alarm trigged once and no one was near it never done it since fingers crossed
That really isn't such a bad idea!

Perhaps we could start to lean on LR to release the "source code" for the P38 so we can turn the infuriating bits off, and just bypass all this bloody alarm and immobiliser nightmare! They're so old now they can't be making that much from them.

You don't need the source code to turn off the alarm/immobiliser, just a Faultmate:)

The guy that designed the ICs has probably retired by now, do you think he'd be interested in a retirement project?

It would be nice to have absolute control over all the ECU's - would make putting different engines in them much easier!

Putting a different engine in is not a big problem, it has been done, however even with source code, you may be pushed to make the old P38 electronics talk to a modern engine management system.
I'm happy enough with the engine, I'm just after switching off the engine immobiliser so BECM accepts any code, or better, just doesn't need one to allow the car to start!

It must be possible to hack it mustn't it?
I'm happy enough with the engine, I'm just after switching off the engine immobiliser so BECM accepts any code, or better, just doesn't need one to allow the car to start!

It must be possible to hack it mustn't it?

Datatek said:
You don't need the source code to turn off the alarm/immobiliser, just a Faultmate

So you should be able to get the immobilisation turned off with suitable diagnostics :)
Putting a different engine in is not a big problem, it has been done, however even with source code, you may be pushed to make the old P38 electronics talk to a modern engine management system.

Yes precisely :p
I wonder whether we'll see a day when somebody does a custom P38 where they update most of the electronics, to make it effectively a modern classic
You can only turn off the passive immobilisation with diagnostics, and the alarm.

My Nanocom will do it, but the problem is the BECM to Engine ECU hand-shake thing is hardwired, and that's the bit I'd like to see gone!
The immobiliser is built into the system. It can never be removed, only turned off.
The KEYCODE LOCKOUT is the problem. This can activate by your battery dropping it's voltage. keycode Lockout also burns your door locks.
think they are limiting the supply to boost prices bit like price fixing :mad:

Don't manuafacturers only have to supply parts up to ten years after a model is discontinued? Newest P38 is what, 2002? Parts are going to become increasingly difficult to get hold of I guess. I wouldn't be surprised if they stop manufacturing things like the RF Receiver altogether soon.
The KEYCODE LOCKOUT is the problem.

That's the fella, Keycode Lockout.

I want that removed, so my BECM either accepts any code from the Engine ECU, or just doesn't ask for it in the first place. No more loss of sync, burnt door locks, and all that boring stuff.

Really I want to just turn my key and go.
Don't manuafacturers only have to supply parts up to ten years after a model is discontinued? Newest P38 is what, 2002? Parts are going to become increasingly difficult to get hold of I guess. I wouldn't be surprised if they stop manufacturing things like the RF Receiver altogether soon.

maybe datatek might get some time in the future to make a line of rf units :D prob sell like hot cakes at a fat convention :cool:
Don't manuafacturers only have to supply parts up to ten years after a model is discontinued? Newest P38 is what, 2002? Parts are going to become increasingly difficult to get hold of I guess. I wouldn't be surprised if they stop manufacturing things like the RF Receiver altogether soon.

I doubt it, what with the amount of money they must be making out of it :rolleyes:
I haven't got the newest receiver in mine and have never had a problem.

I have the MK2 receiver in mine, not the latest MK3. I put ferrite coils around all leads, wrapped the receiver plastic box in tin-foil, earthed it as best I could and never had a problem.

When I did have a problem with cycling locks, it was the other well-known issue with a dodgy boot lock. Replaced that and everything has been 100%

(until I broke key 2, but that was my fault) :)

That's the fella, Keycode Lockout.

I want that removed, so my BECM either accepts any code from the Engine ECU, or just doesn't ask for it in the first place. No more loss of sync, burnt door locks, and all that boring stuff.

Really I want to just turn my key and go.

So, on the diesel you would need to buy a new EDC set up as Non Secure, it then does not need a code from the BECM to start. No idea for the gas guzzler.
whats a edc and where do you get them from

EDC? That's the Digital Diesel Electronics (DDE) Engine Control Module (ECM) fitted to the diesel P38.

Get one from Land Rover I expect. When new they are supplied "non robust" which means you can switch off the engine immobilisation code thing.

I don't think it's possible on the V8. A great pity!
This thread has gone running off, in true LandyZone fashion, about RF receivers. Getting back to the original point you mention 'ignition tamper'. I've never heard this mentioned before as a result of spurious signals triggering the locking system. Plenty of lock issues but I've never heard anyone mention ignition tamper. Can I suggest that you try removing the aerial feed into the RF receiver, as already suggested by Wammers, to check that this is your issue before you spend almost £300. I haven't got the newest receiver in mine and have never had a problem.

I have locked it at night with the key for the last few nights and no problem but as I had said before, I am parked right under telephone wires as the pole is outside my house, that may be playing tricks? I shall try tonight with the alarm on and see what it does but it has only happened when the car is parked in the exact position at night only, I shall call it part of the car's personality!!

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