
Master Procrastinator
Is there a way to have the aircon disabled by default so I don't keep having to press the ECON button on the HVAC control? Mine keeps turning on when I select AUTO
Is there a way to always have the aircon disabled by default so I don't keep having to press the ECON button on the HVAC control? Mine keeps turning on when I select AUTO

It's always supposed to come on when you select auto as the auto is climate control, just because it says that it is running it won't run unless it is necessary to cool the interior to reach your preset temperature.

If you are worried about it coming on then unplug it at the compressor so that it can't come on and plug it back in when we get to spring.
It seems to come on when I hit the demist button (I understand why), that's the main reason why I was wondering if it could be disabled from the panel itself with some magical button combination.
It’s better for the system if you just leave it on. Mine is just left on auto all the time regardless of the weather/temperature. It helps to dry the air in the winter to reduce misted windows
I used to leave mine off in the winter on my Disco 1 and ended up having to replace the compressor as the seals went - I was told because it needs to run regularly. I just keep it switched on on the D2.

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