
New Member
:( Any advice greatfully received. I had my 110 td5 upgraded by JE Engineering and it worked OK for a couple of months before going wrong at 4000 miles. Symptoms are hesitation, black smoke, loss of power etc. The new intercooler is not split and neither are the turbo hoses. According to JE Engineering, this all pointed to a faulty air flow meter which I renewed. this was OK for about 300 miles and then same again. So I put the old air flow meter back and this was OK for about 300 miles. I also tried the one from my wifes disco and that was OK for a while also. So nothing wrong with any of the air flow meters. Errr..... don't know what to look at next. Yeovil landrover wouldn't touch the car under warranty because it has been modified and just returned it on a trailer. JE Engineering just sold me the new air flow meter and then ran out of ideas.:(
I think some live data displays on Testbook would be the way forward,has anyone done or offered to do this ? - 20 mins running should give all the answers that Testbook can offer.(This does not mean to say you will have the exact diagnosis - more likely a load of things that are not wrong.)This is when a brain should be engaged and the symptoms thought about.
:) Great advice, many thanks. However, I think I have the answer after talking to Pete at Bell Auto (BAS) and Andrew at Allisport - Great help. It is over-fuelling because of wonky mapping and is thus overloading the CAT. I have now run with the air flow meter disconnected and it was great, no smoke, great acceleration, at the expense of slightly increased turbo lag. Pete will nock the fuelling back a bit when I see him at Billing and add a turbo boost controller. I have decided against deleting the CAT.


Did you manage to get the decat front pipe sorted from andy ??
Is he posting it to you before we go to billing ??

Regards pete
Hello Pete,
I spoke to Andrew yesterday. They didn't have one in stock but could get one. Apparently it is the standard pre-cat exhaust system. I was warned though that my cat exhaust would have to be put back on for the MOT so I tried something else. With the plug on the air flow meter disconnected she runs brilliantly. The acceleration is great, there is no black smoke and it pulls. The only noticeable down side is a slightly increased turbo-lag but I am used to that with my wife's td5 Disco.
So, I think I will take your advice and just ask you to look at reducing the fueling so that I can run with the air flow meter connected again and leave the cat in place. Also fitting the turbo boost control should help get some more air through which I guess would help the CAT to burn.
All the best,
There is NO NEED for cat for the MOT 100% on a diesel.
The diesel smoke test is only for opacity and not anything the cat does.

Why your car will be running better with teh maf disconnected is due to the ecu running basic settings EG not as much fuel as the mapping on the tune.
Hence it will probabaly drive better.

Do you have a multi meter with volts on ??
Give me a ring i can give you a couple of basib tests to make .

Regards Pete

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