
New Member
ok, so I needed 2 new front tyres, so got the rears put on front and new ones on the back as suggested, went out yesterday and although the car feels much better to drive, it feels sluggish on any type of incline, just feels like no power whatsoever, yet get back on the flat, or downward and she's back to normal, at one point the pedal was touching the floor(accelerator) yet it wouldn't go over 50mph up hill, in either 5th or 4th

so thought my first point of call would be air filters, before letting the garage look, but could not find any info in the book on whether there is just one filter or more to check

anyone help? pictures would be good
Same make & model of tyre? hope they are close to same size as symptoms sound like VCU coming very close to lockup
Feel your VCU after a run , if its very hot , its the mismatched tyres . buy another two tyres exactly the same , as theres only 5mm tolerance between front and rear .
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ok, so looked at the air filter, which was blacker than the ace of spades, so ordered another, but thinking that this started after the new rear tyres, thought better not take the chance, so ordered two more for the front, rather be safe than sorry, they getting fitted tomorrow, will put up the results
just shows what a great place this is, as I was sure it would be air filter, which I'm still waiting on via evil bay, that seller will be getting bad feedback, but having added two new tyres to the front, popped over our woods this afternoon, quite a few inclines/hills to drive on the motorway their, and it took all of them with ease, doing 60's and 70's
only trouble is, now that problem is solved, I'll have to find some other noise to worry about wont I
Changing a black air filter will be worthwhile anyway. Also look at the Turbo breather filter which sits behind the engine and looks like an old style fuel filter (a cheaper replacement too) this can get blocked up if you off road a fair bit in muddy water.
well, to say I'm happy is an understatement, having stuck in the new air filter, not only will she go 70mph up a hill, but she will also accelerate too,not that I would do 90mph up a hill as that's breaking the law

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