
New Member
Hello again everyone, well the squealing from under the bonnet isnt the drive belt so the good news is i now have a spare. the bad news is that the squealing appears to be coming form the aircon pump and i have been advised that it could be the bearings and i will need a new pump. This will be massively costly and was wondering if there is an alternative or if anyone knows where to get a decent reconned one? cheers;)
Perhaps the OP could just open a window?

ells bells Storm, hes got a landy, with them door gaps its like draughty in there already, you only need to open a window in the rare event of an extreme fart or otherwise to chuck a butt out.
Re con exchange unit or second hand . Google for local auto air con and e mail for prices quoting the pumps maker and number rather than the vehicle to start with . Then compare with Paddocks , Island , MM , 4x4 mail order and your local indy . Then try to get your local guys to match .

The bump comes with the fitting a new one and getting it gassed up . Some places dont like gassing up a unit they didnt fit and/or supply so will charge a test fee . Im not very clued up on air con issues but I think you are supposed to have the system bled to a container for safe disposal but I know for a fact that doesnt happen at breakers . At least when I have been there .

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