Well-Known Member
I found a small leak from the low pressure charge port and as the valves are part of the housing they have to be renewed .I looked on ebay for replacements and found some but they are ib Germany and cost about £22 plus £14 postage so i thought i can run with widows open. I also checked Land Rover dealers (Harwoods)who have been helpful on other matters spares and they only sell the complete pipes and don't know if we can get them as its 20 yrs old. Then i tried the BMW agents here (Chandlers) and found a very helpful spares man that went out of his way to check BMWs of the same year and engine and came up with some part numbers for just the valves so i ordered them and the cost is £17.45 inc gst for both the high and low pressure ones .If they fit when i get them i will post the BMW part number for anyone else that is interested