Landyzone Air Ambulance Green Lane Charity Run ....

I ain't right good at catchy, can anyone tell?
Ere charity burds- you got an idea on donation size and rough payment deadline ?

( so I can start saving ) :eek:
Another forum already has a mud run type one! Mucky pups although great may suggest we are trying to get as muddy as poss which the ramblers no likey ;)
like poppys idea of bakewell tart

needs summat short so i reckon bakewell tart run.... :) we will prob be eatin em like we did the chippies on the chippy run :D

Like... if we did a run to scotland it would be haggis run, cornwall would be pasty run etc.

That kinda thing... whatever we is gonna be eatin / what it is famous for.
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