Tell me aboot it!!! If ah gantae bed the night (or is it mornin':confused: ) Ah'll be even mare confussed:confused: :confused: :confused:
its simple really .. its still friday till ye go tae bed , then when ye get up its saturday .. unless ye sleep for 24 hrs then its sunday and ye`ve missed saturday , so then its ... nah noo ahm confused again :confused: :rolleyes:
its simple really .. its still friday till ye go tae bed , then when ye get up its saturday .. unless ye sleep for 24 hrs then its sunday and ye`ve missed saturday , so then its ... nah noo ahm confused again :confused: :rolleyes:
Aye ah ken, but if a went tae bed now and woke up the next day, it'll be sunday:confused: ;)
Aye probably.. ah dunno.. ah'm mare confused as a confused thing:eek: :confused: :D
Might join ye in that can,,nae work the morn (or is it the day:confused: );) :D :D
nae mair drink fae you , you need a clear heid tae fix yer drop thingy , but ah`m huvin one cause ahm on holiday :D :D :D
nae mair drink fae you , you need a clear heid tae fix yer drop thingy , but ah`m huvin one cause ahm on holiday :D :D :D
Ah'm on holiday anaw, the rest of them bugered off tae a convention in Carlisle:D
Dinnae mention the drop arm thingy:rolleyes: it's just turned intae one of them jobs that looks easy, but isnae!! And ah've got tae get it intae the garage fur its mot on monday:eek: :eek: :eek:
Dinnae mention the drop arm thingy:rolleyes: it's just turned intae one of them jobs that looks easy, but isnae!! And ah've got tae get it intae the garage fur its mot on monday:eek: :eek: :eek:
one of those jobs that is easy , but you just make it look difficult :D
dont need an mot anyway , it aint going nowhere :p ;)
buster, they are a bastard to get off. i used a solid steel bar about 3 foot long, 1/2"dia. if you drop it down from near the radiator and rest it on the small lip then bray fook out of it wi a lump hammer it will go eventually, its just a matter of perseverance ;)
buster, they are a bastard to get off. i used a solid steel bar about 3 foot long, 1/2"dia. if you drop it down from near the radiator and rest it on the small lip then bray fook out of it wi a lump hammer it will go eventually, its just a matter of perseverance ;)
Cheers yella;) ah'll have another go as soon as me head clears a wee bit:D
at a rough guess i reckon yu need to be logged in to that site to see em.... I had that prob before. Only way oot is to copy and paste.
Aye, ah copied them from the site and then pasted thum here Daft.
Ah was takin' pics last night for another 'how to' and this is the bugger ah got stuck with...

(taken from below)
i think Adz an HB had to take the complete drop arm orf in the end. The disco one dooesnt have the ball joint as part of the drop arm, dunno if they cud be modified to suite (as a last resort).

eres yo pics, BB.


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Tried takin' the drop arm off before Daft, but it's well stuck! Even the garage couldn't get it off the last time. Ah think the only way it'll come off is by cuttin' it!!!
Now ah've had a nice strong black coffee, ah'll go and see if ah can shift this soddin' thing oot.
;) :D

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