
Well-Known Member
Started to do me drop arm ball joint tonight and ah've hit a wee snag (more of a Big snag really!!!)
As ah can't get me drop arm off, ah've got to do the job with it on. Managed to get everything off except the 'Bottom Socket' the one that sits up tight inside the drop arm, and now ah'm stuck!!!
Tried screwdrivers, sockets and chisels but the bugger won't budge and now there's burrs on it!!!
Anyone got any ideas what to do next?

Cheers;) :D
Hey Pos;)
The problem is, there's hardly any lip to get anything on to it and very little room to get a good belt with an hammer! If me neighbour has a g clamp, ah'll give it a try. the only other way ah can maybe think of is to try and cut it with a sharp chisel from below, but that's maybe a wee bitty brutal!:D
oh bugger! There's a topic in the lr4x4.com technical archive which walks you through 'changing the ball joint in situ.' but I can't remember whether or not Les Hanson had a problem with his or whether it just came apart straight away.

I'd post the link but our Internet is buggered and the site wont load (I've had it open in a new tab for 5 mins!) I'm only at 68 Kb/s!!!!!!!! We're supposed to be at 2.5MB, fkin Virgin Media :(

Could you not get a huge breaker bar thats slightly wider than the bit you're trying to knock out and then smack it from above the bonnet? I still can't picture which bit you're referring to mind!
oh bugger! There's a topic in the lr4x4.com technical archive which walks you through 'changing the ball joint in situ.' but I can't remember whether or not Les Hanson had a problem with his or whether it just came apart straight away.

I'd post the link but our Internet is buggered and the site wont load (I've had it open in a new tab for 5 mins!) I'm only at 68 Kb/s!!!!!!!! We're supposed to be at 2.5MB, fkin Virgin Media :(

Could you not get a huge breaker bar thats slightly wider than the bit you're trying to knock out and then smack it from above the bonnet? I still can't picture which bit you're referring to mind!

Got the bit ye said about pos;)

Drop Arm ball joint - LR4x4 - The Land Rover Forum

Ah've tried the pinch bar method before to try and get the drop arm off, as well as the pullers (no lugs or anything to get a grip of!!!)

the bit ah'm on about is this....
In this picture you can see the ball seat still in place (and usually seized in)

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From the top of the arm, there's a thin lip which I place a hardened steel rod on and knock with a hammer on opposite sides. After a while, and a bit of care, the seat starts to move.

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Once out, the seat damage is usually pretty bad.

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Courtesy of lr4x4.com;) :D
I still can't see a damn single picture! Internet really is that slow. Will only show the text on these forums :(
I use a mac, shouldn't need re-starting! But that I shall try, one moment
still no different. Canny think of anything I can try to help! ****.
I'm off for some kip anyways, night night
Might've tried that Stevie, but ain't got the equptment and the missus wid be a tad ****ed off if a stuck the bus on the radiator in the lvin' room;) :D
was thinkin more of 2 gallon of petrol an a box of matches but hey what the hell :p ... get yer munny oot an buy a wee blowtorch :eek:
an your sitting here on yer computer :eek: hope you`ve at least got the music turned up :p
No yet, she disney gan tae the morns morn (or is that the day's morn:confused: )
Come the morns night, it might be a diffrunt story;) ;) :D And ah'll be celebratin' even mare if ah can get ma drop arm doodah sorted oot!!!

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