
New Member
I'm not an electrician, but if your talking about the mains cable to the welding plant, it's thicker so it can handle the extra amps required for the welder. If you bought the welder new it should have come with the plug pre-wired. Don't understand the bit about coloured blocks, do you mean the connector blocks (Leggo style), if so NO. You could use a 32 amp industrial style round pin plug which will take the thicker cable then rig up a conversion cable to convert to a houshold square pin plug.
Hope this is some help
Hard to tell, but my arc welder at home has an ordinary 13 amp household plug on it. Unless you're using some huge industrial type thing I'd imagine your's would be the same. (The mains cable is about 10mm thick I reckon)
hi had a look at the welder it does state in add single phase 230v,this is a workshop welder normally plugged into heavier wiring and is normally seen to have a blue and white 3 pin plug on but as you have to plug it in the mains any way stick a normal plug on it,tiga
Pluged into norm plug no probs i used it today!!

Weird trying to get the wire speed right and power to get a good weld..i used Co2 t start me off i understand Argon mix is a little better?

any tips for good welding?
I hav been having a go with this welder and its come in usfull already Exaust snapped on Landy and i did it!!

I need more practise i think as i cannot seem to get the weld to be smooth it sits on top in beads....:mad:

When you put the tip of the welder on the item to weld should you keep it right next to the item to weld or hold it a couple of mil off it???

Also should you file down after you have welded item ..forgive the lack of knowledge but i aint tried it before and i like to have a go otherwise you never learn unless you make mistakes..:eek:
Wow, it's really hard to TELL someone how to weld - much easier to SHOW them. Anyway... if the weld is sitting on top you're doing one of 2 things:

1) not enough heat
2) moving the gun too slowly

(or perhaps a combination of the two)

A nice neat, strong weld will not need filing or grinding down - this will only make it look horrible and probably weaken it too.

Keep practising :)

Try positioning the shroud at approx 60 deg tilt and facing the direction in which you want to weld. Make sure the parent metal (to be welded) is pretty clean. You will know when you have the wire feed and amperage matched cos it will sound like bacon frying (seriously). Try and keep a constant speed of travel. Remember that a pretty weld isn't forced to be a good weld. most importantly, keep your reel of wire in a warm dry place when not required otherwise it will start to rust and this in turn will ruin your liner. Trust me, I'm a Fabricator/Welder. Best regards WP

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