Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!
Problem is, you're not actually covered, any form of accident A/F will just point out some minor technicality which means your insurance is invalid and you are left with the huge bill.

Could potentially happen with any insurance company you use. The aim is to give the best most accurate information you can in the first place. Most will wriggle, it's not in their nature to payout willynilly...there's ways n means to call bluff with a swift letter pointing out legalities if you are bothered disputing a decision

Depends if ya glass is half full or half empty
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....AND much depends if you are on the 'hunter' list some companies use (ie a list of those who have been caught not being entirely honest in order to get low premiums, amongst other things)
I thought that insurance companies are all too keen to pay out nowadays - just count the number of calls you get from ambulance chasers if you ever make a claim, how do you think they get your number. The more and bigger the claims the insurance companies pay out on, the higher premiums they can charge and the more money they make.

On another note, after recent breaking down shenanigans I fought I better get some recovery cover. AF would be just over £60, only roadside and recovery to the nearest garage, maximum 15 miles, vehicle only. Quick search and RAC will do national recovery, personal cover (any vehicle I am in) for £69. That'll do...
I thought that insurance companies are all too keen to pay out nowadays - just count the number of calls you get from ambulance chasers if you ever make a claim, how do you think they get your number. The more and bigger the claims the insurance companies pay out on, the higher premiums they can charge and the more money they make.

Insurance companies do not want to charge high premiums. Ultimately that is bad for business. Think about it.
Insurance companies will only pay out injury claims once bonafide medical reports are submitted, for example. And even then only when they know that if they do not pay out the subsiquent potential court cost of a battle will end up costing them much much more.
I suspect that unless you are paying £20,000 (based on one average cost to the industry for a crash for cash injury claim) a year on your annual insurance premium you are up on the deal!

No, I don't work for the insurance business, my brother does!
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P.S...The RAC are prime candidates for selling on your details, if that is what you are also worried about!
In the case of a dispute you can always use the ombudsman who will independently look at case detail and decide what fair.

your complaint and the ombudsman - our consumer leaflet

I had a claim when my wife had an accident in 1997 in my car. I made a claim to Hastings. later that day they rang to say wife was not covered on policy. I had certif sating myself and spouse. It was a massive shock with mrs clipping another car on diesel spillage. To cut a long story short. I contacted Insurance ombudsman and copied everything. Within a week I recieved a call stating that I would be contacted by hastings in due course. They did and were suddenly honouring claim. So moral is Copy and keep all documents and USE OMBUDSMAN to which you have a right.

The 405 diesel (non turbo) is now costing £90 a month to insure... was quoted £1500 for the disco 300.
A call to footman james got the disco insurance down to 240 p/year (3000mls)
This is with 3yrs ncb and a clean licence for 10 yrs...
****ers. All of 'em.....

Footman James are good it's huge saving compared with Adrain Flux so who's pocket is that massive price increase going into?? Sure as hell isn't mine or the pot hole road repairing road charity.
I'd been with Footman James for years but the last two annual increases were really taking the ****. From £400 odd for each car (3 of the buggers) to over £1000 each!! I got the message that they clearly no longer wanted my money, so Flux turned out to be the cheapest by far and got all my business. I am currently working on my first ever claim through them for an at fault accident so we'll see how they perform. However, for anyone trying to insure a provisional license holder (something that is getting harder and harder to do..) I have found Be Wiser insurance to be half the price of everyone else.
Insurance companies will always charge what they think they can get away with, if someone is mug enough to pay over a grand a year to insure a land rover then that's what they'll charge. Simples :)
i will never use adrian flux again . They take your money and rip you off. its about time they had a good hard look, at how they run things.:mad: WORD OF ADVICE "DONT USE THEM";)
Many don’t bother to check through their insurance cover they have. It pays to do so. I know it’s boring but you may find your not covered for something you thought you were. For example: adding on the breakdown cover only to find your cover doesn’t go as far as you would expect. Like breaking down outside yer house or on a motorway, where they only recover you to the nearest stopping place like the next services, rather than taking you home if they can’t fix it. Also peeps not being covered for recovery of the caravan they’re towing etc. Often cheap insurance is just that. It doesn’t cover you for the little extra’s like protected no claims bonus and legal expenses in a crash.

When peeps talk about cheap insurance what they should be looking for is value for money insurance. That doesn’t mean they won’t try to fek you over on a claim. It means value for money for what you get. It’s what you get for your money that counts.
well said Hippo.
The insurance has come around again for the bobtail Rangie, and to be honest I have found cheaper.....but the cover isn't as good as the current insurer once I start checking through the qoute schedules.
and my current insurance is through Adrian Flux:bolt:
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I'm sorry to read this, if there is anything you would like to discuss or have me look into for you please feel free to PM me.



i will never use adrian flux again . They take your money and rip you off. its about time they had a good hard look, at how they run things.:mad: WORD OF ADVICE "DONT USE THEM";)
:bounce:I paid £239 fully comp for a 10 year old disco 2 with Liverpool Victoria which includes European cover ,which was £ 19.00 less than last year with Liverpool Vic ,I am over sixty with full no claims,car up to 6000 miles a year.
:bounce:I paid £239 fully comp for a 10 year old disco 2 with Liverpool Victoria which includes European cover ,which was £ 19.00 less than last year with Liverpool Vic ,I am over sixty with full no claims,car up to 6000 miles a year.

good for you,
...and I think you'll find that if you are under 60, have a heavily modded older vehicle LV will fook people over good n proper!
The largest quotes I've ever had came from LV and Direct Line....both over 4 grand! (when the flux are doin better cover for me for approx 10th of that!)
much depends upon individual circumstances
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i will never use adrian flux again . They take your money and rip you off. its about time they had a good hard look, at how they run things.:mad: WORD OF ADVICE "DONT USE THEM";)
got any more detils than that?
good for you,
...and I think you'll find that if you are under 60, have a heavily modded older vehicle LV will fook people over good n proper!
The largest quotes I've ever had came from LV and Direct Line....both over 4 grand! (when the flux are doin better cover for me for approx 10th of that!)
much depends upon individual circumstances

I'm over sixty with full no claims and a standard Disco 1 300tdi and liverpool victoria quoted me over 600 quid:eek:

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