Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!

CBA trawling all the threads on this subject..qustion..has anyone from A Flux commented about this on the site?

Not really just one post statin the rep on here was out of the office but he will speak to his manager about it.
Good morning,

I'm currently out of the office at present however I will be speaking to our service manager this morning to see if we can get this matter resolved.



Good morning,

After speaking with my service manager yesterday she has confirmed to me that the matter has now been resolved satisfactorily for both parties involved.

Good morning,

After speaking with my service manager yesterday she has confirmed to me that the matter has now been resolved satisfactorily for both parties involved.


Thank heavens for that, that's set my mind at rest.

Can I have a quote please for fully comp on my truck. 1 careful owner and 10 years no claims

Thank heavens for that, that's set my mind at rest.

Can I have a quote please for fully comp on my truck. 1 careful owner and 10 years no claims



Please feel free to pm me your surname, postcode and a contact telephone number, then I will ask someone to call you.


After speaking with my service manager yesterday she has confirmed to me that the matter has now been resolved satisfactorily for both parties involved.


Hello Dan,
Whilst I do appreciate that the final decision on this matter is probably beyond your control I do question how this resolution can possibly be considered as ' solved satisfactorily for both parties concerned'. Perhaps your line manager would like to make an 'appearance' and clarify this decision.

As it is, it seems to me that a LZ member of high repute has been severely penalised for falling foul of the Company's rules without being aware of even doing it! I am pleased that the monies owed to him which were given to you in good faith, have been returned, at least in part BUT I have huge concerns that the reputation of this member as far as getting insurance from an alternate company is severely affected.

Perhaps your high-pressure telephone sales technique could be reviewed, too.

A 'resolution satisfactorily for both parties' should include
1. a written apology from A Flux stating this this matter should NOT be considered as a refusal of insurance - it was merely a misunderstanding
2. as well as a full refund for 11 months cover.

I do believe a company like yours should, in the circumstances, be able to offer such a compromise and I look forward to your considered reply.

S A Roberts
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I have my bobtail RRC (in the avatar) insured with Adrian Flux....My daily driver RRC will be coming up for insurance renewal in two months time. Just got a quote for it and you guys are near half the price I'm paying with Admiral!!! certainly pays to be a specialist insurance company.

Incidentally, you guys are actually A LOT less (over 10x) then the AA quoted, who quoted over £5000....for an old RRC?!....where the F@@k do they get their prices from?!

So, thanks guys, for being so competitive :)

After speaking with my service manager yesterday she has confirmed to me that the matter has now been resolved satisfactorily for both parties involved.


Hello Dan,
Whilst I do appreciate that the final decision on this matter is probably beyond your control I do question how this resolution can possibly be considered as ' solved satisfactorily for both parties concerned'. Perhaps your line manager would like to make an 'appearance' and clarify this decision.

As it is, it seems to me that a LZ member of high repute has been severely penalised for falling foul of the Company's rules without being aware of even doing it! I am pleased that the monies owed to him which were given to you in good faith, have been returned, at least in part BUT I have huge concerns that the reputation of this member as far as getting insurance from an alternate company is severely affected.

Perhaps your high-pressure telephone sales technique could be reviewed, too.

A 'resolution satisfactorily for both parties' should include
1. a written apology from A Flux stating this this matter should NOT be considered as a refusal of insurance - it was merely a misunderstanding
2. as well as a full refund for 11 months cover.

I do believe a company like yours should, in the circumstances, be able to offer such a compromise and I look forward to your considered reply.

S A Roberts
Good morning,

As per your comments you are quite correct in stating that ultimatly any final decision in this matter is out of my control. I can only do my best to assist in situations like this and hopefully I have done so. How the matter is ultimately resolved would be between the member and our company and as far as I was concerned this had been settled amicably . If the member wants to take any further course of action with our company then they of course are more than welcome to contact our customer services team for futher assistance.


Good Morning Dan,

Thanks you for your reply. Yes, I agree that it is up to the member concerned to re-contact your company if the situation has not been fully resolved to his satisfaction and this, I trust, he will do if it is deemed appropriate.

Thank you for this clarification.
Hi all
Well with out upsetting my fellow members I can only tell of my dealings with Adrian Flux,
My RR vogue 50 insured fully comp, protected bonus, unlimited mileage, with my wife as a named driver,with full recovery, which I used the other day, all for the sum of £453.00 for the year, they also insure my BMW M3 Evo Conv same as the RR £476.00 for the year, I can't fault them so I find it hard to read the examples of customer service other people have had.
So in closing if Adrian Flux wish to retain their clients and gain new clients from LZ they need to up there game.
Regards to all
Obviously a robot that is programmed with just certain sentences to say

Get back in the kitchen

Where is my dinner?

what have you done with the television remote?

It wasn't me officer....

Just some of the many phrases that pikey is programmed to say.:D:D:D
I have my bobtail RRC (in the avatar) insured with Adrian Flux....My daily driver RRC will be coming up for insurance renewal in two months time. Just got a quote for it and you guys are near half the price I'm paying with Admiral!!! certainly pays to be a specialist insurance company.

Incidentally, you guys are actually A LOT less (over 10x) then the AA quoted, who quoted over £5000....for an old RRC?!....where the F@@k do they get their prices from?!

So, thanks guys, for being so competitive :)

Problem is, you're not actually covered, any form of accident A/F will just point out some minor technicality which means your insurance is invalid and you are left with the huge bill.

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