Hi trax.
Its padlocked in and if they knick it they would only get water as its there for carrying water for the horse when she goes out with him in the trailer.
I'll have one with fuel should i do a decent long journey, but thats unlikely and if i do.. i'd put it in back overnight etc. Mainly have water and will be marked as such also.

The thing with all of this is.. Do you need the lights? Do they enhance your landrovers use ( eg do the lights Help) it all looks fine by the way. But is it just weight and a power drain. If you don't need it that's probably why it's been in your shed. Pop what you don't need on ebay and get the money for what you actually do need. :)
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Not a fan of pods either, or going overboard with spots in general for that matter but it's yours so it's up to you.

Bolting bulky stuff to the outside like cans and hi lifts that you want to have with you most of the time makes practical sense and doesn't harm the utility looks either imo.

Permanently fitted bush cables are a bit of a pet hate. Rarely needed by most they're a fashion statement that's illegal for on road use.
Hi Guys, i get what your saying completely, and although some of it may be a little overkill (so to speak) there is a practical element to it also in that my hobbies and of shooting and falconry often take me into places (especially tracking a hawk) that havn't been used for a while on the gamekeepers grounds etc, near me. This ended in a cracked windscreen last yr and that's initially why i brought the bushcables which are will be designed to easily unhook from bonnet and fix back along roof rack when not wanted. I was thinking that the top round spots i could wire seperately left and right and angle them sideways when out lamping from vehicle as i shoot from windows often and have a lamp fixed to gun scope which is a bit cumbersome in cab. The upper box spots are fixed to roof rack forward facing and can only tilt up and down. The pod is the bit not necessarily needed, but was purchased for previous landy and just sat in shed anyhow so i dug it out, and thought i would have this wired to main beam with an isolation switch to revert to just headlights if not wanted. This would be turned off when in fields at night utilizing only the roof sets which would run off a separate battery. The roof rack is going to be paneled so i can lie on it and shoot from the top during day or at night with a night scope or lamp.
On the other hand its use is for taking the horse to events and i'm contemplating sticking an awning on the roof racks side so that we can sit under it when having a break.. sun or rain. Might even find a way to build a good hide off it for pigeon shooting also.
Ive kitted the back out with an upper shelf for guns and a fold back shelf which means i can have dog underneath, hawks over dogs and other bits off to either side. Will get a pick later.. without hawk in as out of season now.

Well.. you get the idea. It's being used for as much leisure off road stuff as possible.

I have these for the day to day

Hi trax.
Its padlocked in and if they knick it they would only get water as its there for carrying water for the horse when she goes out with him in the trailer.
I'll have one with fuel should i do a decent long journey, but thats unlikely and if i do.. i'd put it in back overnight etc. Mainly have water and will be marked as such also.

only asked because i'm wondering where to stick my jerry full of derv atm :)

if you need all the light, then you need em.. sod what anyone thinks. though i reckon you could get away with fewer better lights.

practicality of aesthetics imo

Here's how it went. The retaining bar fitted perfectly across the rim. It screwed down nice and tight, I'm going to cut off the excess thread at work tomorrow. It seems very secure, but I'm going to pop a baby ratchet strap on just to be sure! Also going to fit a padlock to the clamp to deter pikey thieves. Will get myself a spare wheel cover to protect from UV.
Looks good.
Couldn't find what i thought was one in the garage.. but will look one up locally.

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