
Hey ho guys,
got a new accumulator sphere coming tomorrow and have read all the blurb in rave on how to change it. Has anybody done it themselves?
I have a few questions......

1. After depressurising the system will I get any surprises when I unscrew the sphere(pressure or anything else) or will it just unscrew

2. Do I really have to bleed the brakes? it seems like such a complicated way of bleding the brakes.

Cheers guys and hoping to hear from you all.

Depresurise the system, unscrew the accumulator, screw new one on and away you go, no need to bleed, although a change of fluid may be a good idea.
Depresurise the system, unscrew the accumulator, screw new one on and away you go, no need to bleed, although a change of fluid may be a good idea.

cheers Datatek........ will look at fluid change later, just want the lights to stop flashing at the minute!

Tanks for all your helpful knowledge..... you really are the Dude to know!
I changed the accumulator at the same time as I replaced the brake calipers and discs etc, bleeding the brakes is not really that difficult although initially I did approach it with some trepidation, a two person job and following the instructions to the letter it went ok, the hardest part was accessing the bleed nipples on the master cyclinder, one of them was buried in sound insulation, as I fitted new calipers I didn't have to worry about seized bleed nipples etc.

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