lol that does hurt although i think i did a similar thing worse a m8 was abusing his workhorse hybrid filling the rear tub with earth from the digger not my idea but it was ok i was loading at the time a bit with a shovel and he pulled it back with the digger on the tow ball right on 2 my foot n broke most of me toes still finished the days work what did i learn always wear steel toecaps
He didn't even have steel toecaps - very lucky to get away with it. Where's that photo of your antique Land-Rover tool roll then?
steelies can be worse!!! instead of broken toes from a heavy weight you can get them sliced clean off
than missing from above the joint!!!!! when a steelie cuts your toes off it does it across the top of your foot when i was doing training with vag one of the guys on one of the courses lost 3 toes due to steelies
When I had the 110 I had it fully loaded to the roof with boxes of tat on me way to a carboot. I was waiting to turn right into a layby, with another car in front also waiting to turn right. there was a bus stopped in front so the road was blocked on my side.

Car in front turns right. all clear in front so I followed him. Unfortunately some Twot had parked right on the edge of the turn in to the layby and he couldn't get round in one. So I stopped half in and half out of the layby and as I stopped I felt a bump at the back.

Jumped out and went round the back to find a brand new Citroen C3 under the rear N/S corner of the landy. I pulled forwards and she drove into the layby as well. Seems she had tried to go thru the gap between me and the bus and it had pulled away from the kerb. She swerved and slid under the back of me. her car was her mums car 3 weeks old and a complete write off. wing sliced open all O/S lights mashed, A post bent, windscreen cracked. Damage to the 110 was reverse light mashed and eggsauce bracket snapped and rear handle on crossmember bent. Gave her all my details and never heard a thing from the insurance company??
one sunday morning about 5 years ago i was making my way to my brothers in my s111 swb to go green laning i was on a two lane road about to go round a left hand bend the right lane finished just before the bend and a knob in an escort van tried to pass me on the bend in them situations i don't give in we both collided and i had rock slidders fitted he just bounced off me into the path of another car coming the other way :D :D i just carried on 2 years ago the s111 was scrapped as i finished the restoration of my s11.

one sunday morning about 5 years ago i was making my way to my brothers in my s111 swb to go green laning i was on a two lane road about to go round a left hand bend the right lane finished just before the bend and a knob in an escort van tried to pass me on the bend in them situations i don't give in we both collided and i had rock slidders fitted he just bounced off me into the path of another car coming the other way :D :D i just carried on 2 years ago the s111 was scrapped as i finished the restoration of my s11.


what a fookin c**t you are!
so the poor bastid coming the other way had a (potentially fatal) accident, just because you're too much of a knob head to lift off the gas and let a ****er past.
It's c**ts like you that really **** me off.
no the traffic had slowed down on both sides of the road and i had an artic up my arse as i think he was trying to stop him from getting in between us both the speed was about 15 mph but enough for him to bounce off me.

sorry to gang up mate but yeah that was dull.
I managed to roll my old 90 hybrid while going to work one morning. think rear prop siezed, locked the back end and shot me off int the bushes at about 60.
unfortunately in the bushes was a tree! which rolled me twice and spun me round.
ended up facing the wrong way lying on the drivers side with my foot trapped in the door!
Broken ankle and a cracked rib. the only thing i used to rebuilt the vehicle was the rear tub and the engine and box.
Chassis was diamond shaped, front axle was like a banana along with all of the suspension arms. Bonnet flew off into a field!
Worst of all, all of my tools were strewn 100 yards up the road!
There is still a 2" deep half moon divot of tarmac missing from the road!
awwwww poor tools ouch to 90 hybrid was that standad seatbelt or 4 point harness jus out of interest
no the traffic had slowed down on both sides of the road and i had an artic up my arse as i think he was trying to stop him from getting in between us both the speed was about 15 mph but enough for him to bounce off me.


back pedalling or what!
so which post is a lie then? this one or the previous one?
one sunday morning about 5 years ago i was making my way to my brothers in my s111 swb to go green laning i was on a two lane road about to go round a left hand bend the right lane finished just before the bend and a knob in an escort van tried to pass me on the bend in them situations i don't give in we both collided and i had rock slidders fitted he just bounced off me into the path of another car coming the other way :D :D i just carried on 2 years ago the s111 was scrapped as i finished the restoration of my s11.


no the traffic had slowed down on both sides of the road and i had an artic up my arse as i think he was trying to stop him from getting in between us both the speed was about 15 mph but enough for him to bounce off me.


to be fair when you read these two together it does make you look a bit of a cuunt dunt it! How much bouncing "into the path of an oncoming car" goes on at 15mph??? If you don't know the reason for two lanes, then you shouldn't be allowed to drive on em!
awwwww poor tools ouch to 90 hybrid was that standad seatbelt or 4 point harness jus out of interest
Standard britax inertia belt in a truck cab.
If i didnt have that i probably would have followed my food out the door and be dead!
I've taken my belts out so now I dont drive my 90 without my harness on!
Yeah, Graham, you're an utter ****. you have potentially killed 2 innocent people or at least seriously injured them, what was going through your head at the time?