not series but a couple of years back i had a little dink with me old 90
was pulling out of a very nasty blind junction when this numpty came hammering down the road (brand spankin new volvo estate) how the fook he did'nt see me inching my way out , not exactly like its hard to see .
just clipped his r/o/s wing and wheel, when i'd calmed him down and told him its just a lump of metal so dont get assie with me ! :D i'm insured so it'll get sorted :mad:
when i got back to work looked at the near side of me stainless steel bumper :D (see picy) on the bottom corner was a 125mm length of swarf off his alloy wheel (saw him the next day in the village and he said he had to have a replacement wheel) :rolleyes:

probly to say dont mess or might jus squish you and gently hit you ha ha im guessing there wasnt much damage 2 yours
not a fan of that bumper looks like it weighs a bloody ton, and it looks like you loose a load of approach angle too
not a fan of that bumper looks like it weighs a bloody ton, and it looks like you loose a load of approach angle too

it weighs a bit but not anymore than a winch bumpr would (without the winch of course)
its about a inch/inch and a half lower then a standard bumper
but is hard as fook so will plough through most things i'm going to be going at .
me uncle made it for me 2a 88" about 30 years back used to have a capstan on top of it (powered off the bottom pulley was a tad heavy then :D
i was gonna ask were you got it from does look like it wud knok most things out the way do you no if anyone makes a similar galv one
i was gonna ask were you got it from does look like it wud knok most things out the way do you no if anyone makes a similar galv one

:screaming_bug_eye_f :screaming_bug_eye_f
galvinized! :D :D
no sorry mate its so long ago me uncle made it he's retired now (would think he'd tell me to fook off and make it me self :D :D )
he sorced the stainless from a guy in a sertain helcopter factory somewhere or other :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
he welded it with arce too:screaming_bug_eye_f :screaming_bug_eye_f
and i had to spend about a total of about a weeks work to grind and polish it to get it to that state (still needs a lot more buffing to get it right ) well maybe when i retire :scratching_chin: :D .
hmmm not in2 shiny stuff more of a matt man makes landys look 2 posh not rough enough they need a few scratches and dents gives them more character
hmmm not in2 shiny stuff more of a matt man makes landys look 2 posh not rough enough they need a few scratches and dents gives them more character

i defy you to scracth that 1 !
i hit a wall with it (about 15/20mph) in the series :D knocked the fooker over and just put 1 little dink in it that i polished out in about an hour with wet n dry
(think thats how my fillings came loose too)
put me first 109" in a ditch with 14 blokes (with guns) and 8 dogs on board. no damage to people, guns, dogs or the landy though.

killed an escort mexico with me second 109" - **** thought he was in the RAC rally on a single track lane when he met me turning into a field gateway.
bent me fookin chassis, the bastid.
put me first 109" in a ditch with 14 blokes (with guns) and 8 dogs on board. no damage to people, guns, dogs or the landy though.

killed an escort mexico with me second 109" - **** thought he was in the RAC rally on a single track lane when he met me turning into a field gateway.
bent me fookin chassis, the bastid.

after i did a v8 convertion on me 2a i had a braking issue that i could sort for a while :rolleyes: got a bit carried away wiv me new engine and ended up going straight on on a bend (with that bumper on ) just totally flattened the hedge .
went by the said bit of hedge on monday :rolleyes: still see the impression of the landie & that was 18 years ago :D
lol does sound like it takes a beating stainless just looks out of place i think wen u have all galvi cappin and n stuff i think
My brother once reversed his V8, 88 on to a metro bonnet at the local tip he thought the resistance was one of those water bottles or oil container so he didnt stop ended up parked on the guys bonnet. the look on the guys face was funny tho. Jai
well the garage gave me a demo 110csw while disco was in for repairs,and then had to go to the airport to fetch a mate,well i made the 1st barrier and then proceded to drive through as you do if the sign was not budging,,,then some noises started and flouresent bulbs were breaking, the damages was a good few lights were sent to recycle heaven,a lot of hand and finger pointing later with some colourful language in between with the authorities i drove out.

hint dont drive into dunlin airport lot c.
Drove over a Citeron in the disco.. Does that count? :p Can't think of any other accidents in the series 3.. Apart from me hitting a fence whilst towing it last week :eek:
No damage caused but it was quite funny. I was a passenger in my mate's SWB IIA. We were driving along a lane in a bit of a hurry when something fell out of the back, or something. He stopped and reversed back, pulled up the handbrake and got out before taking it out of gear. The handbrake wasn't too good so it lurched back as he was halfway out the door. The Land-Rover stalled with the front offside wheel on his right foot with him screaming in agony. I then had to go around to the drivers side and get in, which put even more weight on his foot, start it up and drive it off. twât :D