
Hi again guys, so, got the clutch/gearbox/manifold problems sorted, and lo and behold another problem has raised it's ugly little head.

Put the battery back in today and decided to fire her up, pressed the accelerator pedal, and nothing. had a look in the engine bay and cable doesen't seem to be pulling on the throttle at all. Linkages didn't seem to have much movement in either. when I loosened off the cable from the throttle and the bulkhead anchor, the linkages started moving quite freely. Any idea's guys, I'm at the end of my rope now, over four weeks for what started out as a failed clutch!

Btw, it's a 200tdi engine from a Disco using the old bar linkages on the bulkhead and a S3 cable.
Seems a bit strange.
Try disconnecting the cable at the pump end and check that the cable moves with the throttle pedal (I.e. Is the cable seized or sticky)
Then disconnect at pedal and operate the cable with pliers to see the linkages move.
If both things work then the problem is in your imagination.
Already tried that, linkages work fine without cable connected, won't work when connected. Going to have to set up some kind of rod assembly
One of the clamps a bit loose on the bar that links to the pedal.[if it is like that]
Yeah I think it could be , thing is, I don't need the hand throttle so I'm thinking of modifying it along the lines of the Glencoyne conversion, just got to figure out the best way :)

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