
Active Member
This may not be in the right section, I debated anything goes but decided in the spirt of greenlaning adventure and as the path we went up would make an awsome lane if it were legal here would do.

I have admitted previously that I am a "bobely" :behindsofa:

I thought I would share some photos of this weekends trip out in an effort to show what proper walkers get up to rather than moaning about 4x4s.

I would like to make it clear that we had gone belts and braces on saftey gear and plans.

Home for the night

Some other mad bastards joineds us in the middle of nowhere. Lots of booze and singing!

Finally four rough feeling reprebaits and the view of our shelter for the evening.

Nice,reminds me of when i was a kid and my dad used to drag us up to knoydart in scotland for a weeks backpacking :)

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