
Head's a shed
Well I have decided to do a rebuild on my 90.
This is how it looked when I bought it. It had been waxoiled before I got it, And after owning it for a while I thought It would be a good idea to scrape some of :eek: It was a bad idea and started finding a few holes. Bloody stuff hides everything :mad:
Plus I wanted to put it back to standard ish. So I thought It would be a good time to strip it all down and replace anything that's fecked.
I probably could have started with a better vehicle to start with. But there's no going back now and I can still make it tidy again. Just means spending more money on it :lol:



I started this as I enjoy reading other peoples build threads, So hopefully some one will be interested in this :)
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So the strip down begun.
Ifor Williams back off.

Doors and truck cab off. I had to drill out all the bolts that hold the door on. Not one came undone. And I haven't got many good drill bits left :eek:

Seat box removed

And the tub removed, The tub seemed rather heavy. I have lifted a Td5 one on my own but had no chance of lifting this of on my own. Or maybe its just because I'm built like a racing snake :eek:
Think I used the grinder to much as its now broken. :mad:
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Nope I has already sold them :p

I was about to change me mind anyway :eek: they look fecking massive in that second lot of pics!

I just need a set to replace the fooked ones the last owner put on mine :doh: if not I'll just cut off an even amount on all the arches and have nothing :)
Wings coming off. The wiring in the wings was a mess but ill sort that when I put the wings back on.

and the other one :p

Gear box coming out

And the engines out :)
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I was about to change me mind anyway :eek: they look fecking massive in that second lot of pics!

I just need a set to replace the fooked ones the last owner put on mine :doh: if not I'll just cut off an even amount on all the arches and have nothing :)

Yep that's why I sold em. looked a bit daft, Maybe they wouldn't with wider wheels.
Think I need to go to an auto jumble to try and get some cheep bits. Instead of the daft prices stuff does on ebay.
Bulkhead off. Its a bit bloody heavy :eek:
Its a bit rotten but ill repair that at a later date. It needs at least the foot wells repairing and the top corners redoing as they have been done before but look a bit crappy. Might need more but I haven't hit it with a hammer yet :D

Front axle coming off. I'm doing most of this on my own so the engine crane is a god send and makes life much easier.

And the back one.

Chassis back in the garage ready for welding. I had never welded before I started this project. Its easy sticking two bits of metal together. Its the making it look neat that's hard.
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Prepping axles for paint. They was rubbed down with a combination of wire wheels on the grinder and the drill. and sandpaper, It took a while but I think the final outcome is much better than if I had rushed it.

In primer. I used a cellulose primer as its what I had lying about from when I painted my brothers. So made sense to use it up.

And painted black. I used 2k paint as from what I have read it is harder wearing than cellulose but time will tell. Although it seems a better finish out of the gun than the cellulose.

Same treatment for the front

Swivels off. I would have painted it with them on but the swivel seals needed doing and this was the easiest way to do them.

And in primer

Painted black.

Built back up, Ooooo shiny
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Few more bits and bobs in various stages of paint and prep










Wont be hanging stuff on the washing line again got teld orf :lol:
I'm wondering if it'll fit me series ;) any interest in a trade for parts ?

Ahhh gotcha. your welcome to offer it up if your ever close by.
And I only really need a set of arches and the bottom piece of the dash,
Iv got enough cra.... ermm... top quality merchandise in me shed's already :D
Only stuff I have really is electric fans, a good rad and other bits like that :(

Other than that I'm making up a batch of standard HD replacement bumpers next week or one after as I need to finish the series first if you fancy a trade
Meanwhile a box of bits turned up from lr direct. And yes there is some of the dreaded blue bagged stuff.

Chassis all welded up and ready for paint. Was a nightmare to get all the waxoil of, But got there in the end with a combination of scrapers. flap disc's, grinding discs, wires brushes and a mini da.


In primer. 2K primer was used this time as I had run out of the cellulose primer.

First coat of black on

Finished product :)
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