Thanks for the replys chaps, hopefully it all gets sorted this week.
Oh and yes, I am pretty chuffed with the galvanised bits too :D
Well I tried to do a bit today, but seen as everything is packed away in boxes, tools, parts, the lot, everything just took 5 times longer than it should have done.
The plan was to get the rad frame assembled, slam panel and stays, rad and intercooler in and piped up.
Said the other week I would order some intercooler hoses, well.. I never, because I never expected to get the chance to do them, so going to try and get some here this week.
Couldn't decide whether to paint them or not either, so left them bare for now, simple enough to remove at a later date if I change my mind.



Getting the new rubbers into the frame was also easier said than done, so I stuck them in a pan of warm water to try and make them a little softer and supple.


T-washed the bulkhead yesterday aswell.




Well, that's it, house move has officially fell through, the house we was going to buys solicitors have finally admitted they are no where near ready after weeks of stringing us along.
Something to do with probate, i.e the proving of a will, so god knows what the issue is or how long it would take to sort it. The house has been empty for over a year so why they couldn't have tried to sort this before putting it on the market I don't know, have just wasted our time and money as well as our buyers. What an absolute shambles it has been!
Have basically wasted the last 6 weeks sorting things out, throwing/giving things away I should never have done for the sake of nothing now, not best pleased to be honest, so today I start putting things back as they where, sigh..
So sorry to hear that, it must be painfull going through all that then sitting in limbo waiting to go only to be disappointed. Stupid bloody solicitors only thing they seem to excel at is collecting their bill.
Really sorry to hear that. Probate can be a real cow to sort out especially if there are family members who can't agree. Very wrong of them all to lead you on if they weren't ready to go. When this happened to us in the past we did end up finding somewhere we liked better so don't give up.
I've been looking for a new house in wales for 2 years mate believe me it will be ok I won't just settle for just now as it has to be wright for my wife's horses.
So sorry to hear that, it must be painfull going through all that then sitting in limbo waiting to go only to be disappointed. Stupid bloody solicitors only thing they seem to excel at is collecting their bill.

Yep :( These things happen though I suppose, just annoying that it could have all been avoided has they told us the truth from the start.
And yes I agree about the solicitors, I sent them the extra money needed for the new house via bank transfer, when it fell through they said oh yes, we will send you a cheque. Ay... why..

Really sorry to hear that. Probate can be a real cow to sort out especially if there are family members who can't agree. Very wrong of them all to lead you on if they weren't ready to go. When this happened to us in the past we did end up finding somewhere we liked better so don't give up.

Yeah it can be a real pain, the annoying thing is they just told us a load of crap, had we known we could have tried to find somewhere else, instead they strung everyone along hopping for the best, our buyer was getting more ****ed off by the day after having 2 move dates fail, and has now pulled out completely.
So if we want to move we have got to sell the house again, that might take 3 months, it might take 3 years, so we have decided we will just stay here for a few years now.

Blimey. :( Sorry to hear this. :mad::mad::mad:

Charming :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Are they not liable in some way for all the grief they appear to have caused ?

( Maybe ??)

Apparently you can at least claim your search fee's back etc.. but that hasn't come direct from the solicitor and I doubt we will bother, just write it off as a bad experience, it has been enough hassle as it is.

I've been looking for a new house in wales for 2 years mate believe me it will be ok I won't just settle for just now as it has to be wright for my wife's horses.

Yes it is hard trying to find the right place, it wouldn't be so bad if we hadn't lost our buyer :confused:
Good god I just can't get back into the swing of things, don't know why, and not like me, everything just still seems up in the air even though everything is back where it should be, just lost interest a little, weather doesn't help mind..

So we have decided we will stay where we are anyway, bugger going through all that again, so seen as we are I have decided I want to build myself a garage, and if I am going to do it, now is the ideal time whilst everything is still reasonably tidy and still packed up in boxes.
Thinking something 6m x 5m, which keeps me under the 30sq2 m so that no building control is needed. (just another expense)
Just need to get the architect out as I will need to apply for planning permission as I will be building within 2m of a boundary.
Once I get that rolling I will get the tree taken down that is right in the way and dismantle the sheds.
Other thought is to getting it moving sooner rather than later seen as I can't really do that much on the project in the cold anyhow, and who knows, come middle of summer it could even have a roof on and be water tight(ish)
But I'll see what mr architect says first, pretty sure I can build what I am thinking, but he'll know for sure.

I did do a little this morning actually, but not a great deal, just rebuilt a turbo with a new cartridge.

You could build a big shed out of timber and never let on it's for cars. ;)
Would be a whole heap cheaper than building with block.
Good god I just can't get back into the swing of things, don't know why, and not like me, everything just still seems up in the air even though everything is back where it should be, just lost interest a little, weather doesn't help mind..

So we have decided we will stay where we are anyway, bugger going through all that again, so seen as we are I have decided I want to build myself a garage, and if I am going to do it, now is the ideal time whilst everything is still reasonably tidy and still packed up in boxes.
Thinking something 6m x 5m, which keeps me under the 30sq2 m so that no building control is needed. (just another expense)
Just need to get the architect out as I will need to apply for planning permission as I will be building within 2m of a boundary.
Once I get that rolling I will get the tree taken down that is right in the way and dismantle the sheds.
Other thought is to getting it moving sooner rather than later seen as I can't really do that much on the project in the cold anyhow, and who knows, come middle of summer it could even have a roof on and be water tight(ish)
But I'll see what mr architect says first, pretty sure I can build what I am thinking, but he'll know for sure.

I did do a little this morning actually, but not a great deal, just rebuilt a turbo with a new cartridge.

View attachment 116673
Looks good Aaron, I have often wondered about replacing the turbo cartridge, where did you get the new one? I've seen a few on sale on e bay, some of them offer a warranty but only if you have it fitted by a full time garage.
You could build a big shed out of timber and never let on it's for cars. ;)
Would be a whole heap cheaper than building with block.
Also has the advantage that if you do move later you can take it with much more easily (depending upon how you build it) and timber is often warmer without fitting insulation etc.
Is that all :rolleyes: :)

Would be a damn sight better than now that's for sure :)

You could build a big shed out of timber and never let on it's for cars. ;)
Would be a whole heap cheaper than building with block.

Do you recon? I don't really know the prices of timber if I'm honest,
Block work I can get done fairly easily as are kid is a bricky. At 6m x 5m. That is 5m across the back, 6m down each side at 2m high, plus a bit of a gable is less than 40m of block work, and probably sub £500. Single skin.
Front in brick work, just a couple of pillars either side of the door, less than a pack of bricks, and again sub £500.

Looks good Aaron, I have often wondered about replacing the turbo cartridge, where did you get the new one? I've seen a few on sale on e bay, some of them offer a warranty but only if you have it fitted by a full time garage.

Cheers Ray, I got it from here, good service and reasonable money.

Also has the advantage that if you do move later you can take it with much more easily (depending upon how you build it) and timber is often warmer without fitting insulation etc.

That is a good point considering I would likely only build it single skin if it was block work.
Thanks for the reply's chaps and thoughts about building in timber. To be honest it hadn't even crossed my mind, probably more because wood-work isn't really something I would do myself.
I'm not even sure how they're constructed, so if you build a timber framed building what sort of roof covering do you use? Standard felt, rubber roof etc?
For me the most money is in the ground anyway, which ever way you go you still need a substantial slab to build upon.
The original plan was block work on the sides and back and brickwork on the front so it looks pretty. And render the block work as funds allow.
But if anyone has any info on timber buildings, be it costs or general advise it would be much appreciated, I guess it wouldn't need planning then either being a temporary structure. Hmm.. you may have a point chaps.
Block needs deeper founds, and needs plastered but if you can get the work done on mates rates the cost might be similar to timber.

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