I did this, decided a colour, and decided to paint it in cellulose rather than base with 2k primer. Went to the shop, bought the paint (4litres I think), sprayed the bulkhead and hated it! Tried it over 4 different primers and it was all the same. I nearly went with it but glad I changed colour. Although I'm regretting using cellulose as the finish is rubbish and not very hard wearing. For what it's worth, I really like that green in the pic!
I had the same problem
i just could not make up my mind
is was going to be white then red then black
and its ended up green
starting thinking today, i wish i had done it the original color red
oh well
What ever you choose mate, i'm sure it will look mint
Looks close and yours is still wet as well remember

I thought that, but tried it, don't really like it :confused: Bit trial and error this paint malarkey.

Maybe just the photo, but it does look a few shades darker than the heritage colour green. Was the heritage green the colour you were looking for?

Keep up the good work, always enjoy seeing what you have done.


Cheers bud :)
Ref heritage colour, yes and no, I wanted similar, I thought it was a little light, so chose something I thought was darker, but similar in colour.
But for me, it's not what I want. Not sure whether to change my mind completely now.

I think the colour choice is also swayed by the style of the finished vehicle, Std , pick up, CSW, off road biased, extreme comp motor.

If it is a std vehicle then I always think one of the traditional colours is a good way to go.


I would agree with that, mine will be a standard vehicle, and either a hard-top (van) or I have some CSW sides in the shed which is a possibility, haven't got that far yet though.

Hmmm, it's not far off, mate. Does look darker. Is that taken with a flash?

Definitely darker mate, and yes, that was taken with a flash, it's dark in the garage (even though their is 2 lights) and was the only way I could get any sort of picture to show, which doesn't help matters when comparing,
I will try and get some in daylight during the week.

I did this, decided a colour, and decided to paint it in cellulose rather than base with 2k primer. Went to the shop, bought the paint (4litres I think), sprayed the bulkhead and hated it! Tried it over 4 different primers and it was all the same. I nearly went with it but glad I changed colour. Although I'm regretting using cellulose as the finish is rubbish and not very hard wearing. For what it's worth, I really like that green in the pic!

I used cellulose when I painted my first vehicle and found the same, and the coverage wasn't very good.
Definitely got to change colour, I'd kick myself if I didn't, I just don't see it growing on me, it's just what to that is the issue now.
I bought 5litres, will be going in the bin.
That'll teach me for thinking all will be good, will just buy 1L first next time. Doh!

I had the same problem
i just could not make up my mind
is was going to be white then red then black
and its ended up green
starting thinking today, i wish i had done it the original color red
oh well
What ever you choose mate, i'm sure it will look mint

Haha, you're worse than me mate ;):p
I sort of knew what I wanted, it's just gone wrong, and now I might change my mind completely :oops:
Beige .. you know it makes sense .. ;)

I like that beige colour actually... it's a little bit US-Army, but nice all the same.

Marine Blue is propper classy though - that get my vote (also because I don't want another self-build keswick to show up the flaws in mine!!!)
Haha! I meant that paint Aaron has. I really like that colour.

What yours is missing Paul, is galvanised cappings! I think they would suit that beige (nice colour btw) very well.
Haha! I meant that paint Aaron has. I really like that colour.

What yours is missing Paul, is galvanised cappings! I think they would suit that beige (nice colour btw) very well.

LOL, I guessed .. ;)

Yeah, I agree. I haven't done anything about the aesthetics yet but sometime this year I intend to do stuff to it like finishing painting the dodgy bits, and the primered bits etc. Might even polish it sometime .. but that'd also mean cleaning it too .. :)
I like that beige colour actually... it's a little bit US-Army, but nice all the same.

Marine Blue is propper classy though - that get my vote (also because I don't want another self-build keswick to show up the flaws in mine!!!)

Mine wouldn't be Keswick anyhow as I can't find it in 2k, but was more just trying to find a similar heritage looking green :)
I'm sure yours will look well enough, most of it is in the prep work, so if you've got the patience you're onto a winner, (I haven't, and I'm an impatient ****)

How much was it? I'll happily take it off your hands 'for future projects';)

Can't remember how much, bought it with some other bits, but not silly money, cover postage and you can have it if you want it bud, it'll only sit their if not.
Well we'll try again shall we..
New paint arrived mid week, still not exactly what I envisaged, but is much betterer than the previous for what I'm after. Well it probably is, I just don't know what I want, I always change my mind :oops:
It's been a bloody hectic weekend for one reason or another, not stopped, but I got the bulkhead painted which was one of the priorities, although the first coat didn't go on until 3:30 this afternoon.
Turned out pretty well considering, actually come out better than I thought it would.
Will get it down and fitted one evening in the week hopefully.

That does look nice. Looks almost like its been lifted straight from a brand new defender (except for the vents!). Re the other paint, I'll pm you. Is there anything you need for this build?
Great colour chap! Pretty close to Atlantic green, but individual to yours. Perfect!

Cheers bud :) I was thinking it's closer to Atlantic green than anything else too.

That does look nice. Looks almost like its been lifted straight from a brand new defender (except for the vents!). Re the other paint, I'll pm you. Is there anything you need for this build?

I don't know about brand new :eek: but it's not too bad.
And no worries, you're welcome to it bud, I probably need stuff, but can't think of anything off the top of my head.

Wish I had room to spray, I've had to brush these axles... No room to swing a cat!


Don't happen to have a welder do you Aaron?

I had to brush my axles too, wouldn't want to annoy the neighbour with spraying anymore than I have to.
They look good either way :) And yes I've got a welder, but only a crappy sealey thing.

Liking the new color mate
very nice

Cheers mate :) Still not 100% on it mind :confused:
Had a quick 15 minutes in the garage straight after work this evening.
Just wanted to get the bulkhead down and fitted so I could get the chassis back in the garage, I don't really like leaving it out on the drive all day.
Still not 100% on the colour, I like it but... I don't know, I'm going to go with it now anyway, think things will become more apparent when the rear tub has been painted.


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