With reference to the picture by picture walk through of the box rebuild

Awesome, bonny lad!

Surely you could make some money selling reconditioned gearboxes! ;)
With reference to the picture by picture walk through of the box rebuild

Awesome, bonny lad!

Surely you could make some money selling reconditioned gearboxes! ;)

Cheers for the positive comments :)
It probably could do, But like most things in life I haven't really got the bollocks to just go for it.
Suppose I have nothing to loose though :)
Although I think I need to come up with some sort of plan in the new year anyway (Whether it's attempting to get another job or going back to collage to re-train) Been back at work a week and it's bloody depressing me already.
But desperate for money so best keep my gob shut. It's only until christmas anyway.
Is your current job working as a mechanic? Surely that's not depressing you!

You only need 'bollocks' to take on something you can't do and so have to blag it. You were sounding hesitant before you started the gearbox, but we have seen you do it effortlessly. Anyway, the vast majority of people seeing what you can do will be wondering how you can walk about! :D
Is your current job working as a mechanic? Surely that's not depressing you!

You only need 'bollocks' to take on something you can't do and so have to blag it. You were sounding hesitant before you started the gearbox, but we have seen you do it effortlessly. Anyway, the vast majority of people seeing what you can do will be wondering how you can walk about! :D

Nope, I work installing fire alarms/cctv/intruder alarms etc...
Was only meant to be a temporary job though a mate, But been at it 4 years + now.
Problem is I hate it, I never used to, It just seems to be getting worse. (Maybe it's me not the job) But I really do not know, At all :(
Plus it's not gaining me anything for the future.
No qualifications or the like. So at 25 I think I need to decide what I want to do and get some before it's to late. (easier said than done)

When I say having the bollocks. I mean would it actually pay a wage.
It's not guaranteed income.
Mind neither is my current job, Out of work nearly 6 months.
I didn't mean as a full time job, just to supplement your income. But, it would also be doing something you enjoy.
I reckon if the price was right you could make some money out of it, I think that Ashcroft transmissions no longer do series gearboxes, so theres an avenue.
Recon prices for series gearboxes vary between 450 and 850 for the best, so there could be a market there.
Not forgetting as the s2/3 get older most owners are going to be more affluent like s1 owners so wont be as tight as us defender owners!
What you must realise is most people are frightened of gearboxes and diffs so are more likely to farm the work out, an engine on the other hand is just an engine and any old donkey can take one apart and make it work again
I think there is a market for it, as long as you have a decent method of delivery/collection and a good website you could do well.
I didn't mean as a full time job, just to supplement your income. But, it would also be doing something you enjoy.

Yeah, That's what I was thinking too.
For me it's not really about the money but the enjoyment and satisfaction of doing it.
But hay if it pays a little on top of costs, Then fair enough :)

I reckon if the price was right you could make some money out of it, I think that Ashcroft transmissions no longer do series gearboxes, so theres an avenue.
Recon prices for series gearboxes vary between 450 and 850 for the best, so there could be a market there.
Not forgetting as the s2/3 get older most owners are going to be more affluent like s1 owners so wont be as tight as us defender owners!
What you must realise is most people are frightened of gearboxes and diffs so are more likely to farm the work out, an engine on the other hand is just an engine and any old donkey can take one apart and make it work again

Hmm, Interesting point re series boxes, I never realized that.
Oh and yes I'd agree most people don't like playing with gearboxes.

I think there is a market for it, as long as you have a decent method of delivery/collection and a good website you could do well.

Will have a good look into it when I get time, Good delivery and collection could be the hard thing to be fair. Not heap either.
You could possibly make money out of delivery. My bulkhead cost £80 for delivery. However, I think what the company preferred to do was wait until they had several to deliver. Then drive up and down the country themselves with a van. 5 units £400, 10 units £800. Canny money for a day driving up country then a day driving back.
So I've been back at work for a few weeks now and with a little money coming in things where starting to look better.
So I went and bought a few meters of 3" of exhaust pipe. Although I'm still to source a silencer at some point.

Also bought oil pressure and water temperature gauges.
Oil pressure I had set up on the standard lr light but wan't something better than that with the amount of money it has cost me.
Same with the water temp, LR ones aren't brilliant so bought aftermarket.
Hopefully they should be a little more accurate :)


Well things haven't quite gone as said.
work yet again. Was told earlier in the week it's either work away in London or get laid off.
58 hours a week.
So that means setting off about 3am Monday morning to get their for 7ish.
Do a 13 hour shift. (So 8pm)
Job is in the centre so digs an hour away minimum. So not back until 9pm.
Go for food have shower and bed.
Same again, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Finish at 1 on Friday. Get home for about 5 ish.
Not what I want to do!
Although I could put up with it for a couple of months.
Asked how long the job is and apparently they don't know.
I call bull****. How they don't know is beyond me. Surely you price a job on or around that.
So I'd be down their indefinitely :eek:
I'm just sick of all this bo***cks and don't know what to do for the best now :( Seems as hard or much as I try things just never go right.
I don't want to go, But all I keep thinking is that if I don't I'll be out of work for 18 months again like last time.
I can tell myself all I want that I'll get another job, But the truth is I wont.
The people that have met me will know how **** I am with people and come across as a c*nt most of the time.
Not through choice, Just the way it comes out most of the time. Which isn't going to do me any favors when trying to get a new job.
Don't even know why I bother with anything. Does life ever get better, Well probably not in my case :( Even though it probably is my own doing.
God I sound a right sad c*nt, You wouldn't think I was only a bairn.
Anyway sorry for the rant and this probably isn't the place for it.
But I needed to get it off my mind and to you lot on here is the only place I could do it.
Oh and got 4 weeks left on current job apparently, But he wants a decision now so I best get my thinking cap on :rolleyes:
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First thoughts....yeah he's back time to catch up on a great thread.... then I read the whole post after the pics,

Feel for you mate, really do.

Initial thoughts say yes for now keeps you in work for anther 4 weeks,,,, gives you time to think and make up your mind whilst earning, Christmas round the corner and all that.

Not going to try and give you advice mate only you, really know the true you deep down.

I've worked out of town a lot over the years and to be honest enjoyed it but only when it pays well. If it doesn't pay well enough for your inconvenience then it could eat away at you, bit by bit plus you will not be able to do much on your landy and judging by previous posts this may get to you a little.

Don't know if you have a mrs or not but spend the 4 weeks mulling it over talk to mrs, mates etc...

Big choice if your boss is saying its this or nothing but bear in mind if he didn't think that much of you why does he keep getting you into work.

I have some notion of what you can do and you should take pride in that.

I know you may not want to hear it mate but it comes across that sometimes you are your own worst enemy in the fact that you put yourself down when it is not justified.

With your motivation and obvious skill you will have no problem getting another job even if its just in tescos etc over xmas to tide you over.

Take half hour or so to read over your own build threads from an outsiders point of view and take on board some of the replies you have had as you have inspired/brought some joy to so many. if doing this doesn't cheer you up then nothing will.

I apologise if any of the above comments causes any offense/intrusion as that is not intended, it's just that I know you have the talent, passion and some motivation....... may be a little kick up the arse and who knows.....this time next year we'll be millionaires.

Best of luck mate


Now get back to your rebuild / thread:)
I worked away for years putting up steel buildings, my one piece of advice is to keep away from the beer and go and see the local sights instead, easy to get sucked into the work/drink/sleep routine.
Chin up. At least you get to come home to looking at a landy with a Cummins engine in it.

I've just jumped ship to another company as I have been working away for 5 years solid sometimes 12 days away at a time, and hated every minute of it but I got married this year and whilst on are honeymoon looked for another job online i walked straight into another job best decision I ever made, all you can do is try it you might like it but like lynall said don't drink your money away.
First thoughts....yeah he's back time to catch up on a great thread.... then I read the whole post after the pics

Feel for you mate, really do.

Initial thoughts say yes for now keeps you in work for anther 4 weeks,,,, gives you time to think and make up your mind whilst earning, Christmas round the corner and all that.

Yeah kind of what I thought, Current job has 4 weeks left apparently, Which is in Nottingham, Still 2 1/2 hour travel a day that we don't get paid for but that's another story.
Problem is he want's a decision now! He asked on Wednesday and then asked me again on Friday and I have no doubts he will ask me again tomorrow.
Rush rush bloody rush :(

Not going to try and give you advice mate only you, really know the true you deep down.

I'll be honest I have no idea who I am or what I want to do, I'm lost, No really my head is f*cked :5bwilly_nilly:

I've worked out of town a lot over the years and to be honest enjoyed it but only when it pays well. If it doesn't pay well enough for your inconvenience then it could eat away at you, bit by bit plus you will not be able to do much on your landy and judging by previous posts this may get to you a little.

To be honest it's not the money as such, Obviously it does help if it's good (Which it isn't) But only for so long and seen as he wont give me a time scale I'll end up saying f*ck this I'm off.
It's more the fact I hate working away and being surrounded by nobbers 24/7.

Don't know if you have a mrs or not but spend the 4 weeks mulling it over talk to mrs, mates etc...

Nope, I have nothing, That's why I put it on here, Makes me feel kind of better getting it off my chest.

Big choice if your boss is saying its this or nothing but bear in mind if he didn't think that much of you why does he keep getting you into work.

True, But he tells me he doesn't want to loose me.
Why I'm not so sure, Probably because I'm cheap and can still leave me to do what he'd pay a sparky to do.

I have some notion of what you can do and you should take pride in that.

I know you may not want to hear it mate but it comes across that sometimes you are your own worst enemy in the fact that you put yourself down when it is not justified.

With your motivation and obvious skill you will have no problem getting another job even if its just in tescos etc over xmas to tide you over.

Nope it's fine mate, I'd rather people tell me what they think. But to be honest that is completely true.
I have no self confidence at all, That's why I say I'll struggle to get another job at all. I struggle to pick the phone up to speak about jobs never mind interviews :(

Take half hour or so to read over your own build threads from an outsiders point of view and take on board some of the replies you have had as you have inspired/brought some joy to so many. if doing this doesn't cheer you up then nothing will.

Yes I have done so before and yes it makes me very happy indeed :) About the only thing that does mind, I'm constantly a morbid f*ckwit.

I apologise if any of the above comments causes any offense/intrusion as that is not intended, it's just that I know you have the talent, passion and some motivation....... may be a little kick up the arse and who knows.....this time next year we'll be millionaires.

Non at all bud, Infact most of it is exactly what I think myself.
Maybe not millionaires :p But a job with constant work that I don't hate would be nice :)

Best of luck mate


Now get back to your rebuild / thread:)

Yes, Normality may be resumed shortly, Or at least I hope so :eek:

I worked away for years putting up steel buildings, my one piece of advice is to keep away from the beer and go and see the local sights instead, easy to get sucked into the work/drink/sleep routine.

Yes, I could imagine if you're down their along time it's easily done.
Luckily I rarely drink so hopefully it wont go down that route, But when I'm in that **** hole you never know.

Chin up mate take the money for now and see what the new year brings 🎅

Cheers mate :) Probably what I'll do, Main problem is going to be trying to get a job while working away or at all.

Chin up. At least you get to come home to looking at a landy with a Cummins engine in it.

I've just jumped ship to another company as I have been working away for 5 years solid sometimes 12 days away at a time, and hated every minute of it but I got married this year and whilst on are honeymoon looked for another job online i walked straight into another job best decision I ever made, all you can do is try it you might like it but like lynall said don't drink your money away.

I'll be honest if I work away what's the point, It might as well go :(
If I new I could get work I'd be gone, But I can't.
I have no trade as such and a thick c*nt.
What I really need to do is go to collage and re-train before it's to late and at 25 it's getting that way now.
I had been considering it for next year but need to decide what I want to do. Easier said than done :eek:
Oh and I've been before and I bloody hated it.
How people do it all the time I don't know. Although I suppose if you're working with decent people it would be slightly better.
For me it drove me crazy. Absolutely everything.
The crappy travel lodge we stayed in with 3 of us in a room (So he could make more money :rolleyes:) Sleeping on a uncomfortable bed.
Try watching tv. Oh yeah, We've only got 3 channels :rolleyes:
Internet? Oh yeah, You have to pay for that!
Ok, I'll go for some snap, Weatherspoon's, Which usually isn't bad. This one was terrible. Some cold chips and a fatty/gristly steak? Oh yes please sir :rolleyes:
Go to bed, Oh that's right I'll get woken up several times during the night by the c*nt I'm sharing a room with.
So as you can tell I had a fantastic time last time and would love to repeat it :eek:
I worked away for 5 years Aaron from leaving school and yes it sucked but at the end of the day we only go to work for one reason, pennies.

Your a talented lad mate stop putting yourself down, I would take the work, grin and bear it earn the money i needed to so i could keep myself a float and then look online for another job..

Like others have said, Tesco for example, around the corner and stacking shelves, nice and easy and decent money, home every night, no being laid off, same old bollox of any other job and no need for qualifications..

Keep your head up high mate and you'll be rate!
I have always found it is easier to find another job whilst you are in work
as others have said do the working away until you get something else
alathough as I have said and others on the site
you have a talent at fixing defender so stick to that, stick an add on ebay gearboxes etc rebuilt repaired services etc
you will get something mate
Get yourself a hgv mechs job, they are getting pretty rare and the monies getting better as all the oldies retire and the current crop of youngsters are just plain stupid! and I mean proper stupid.
Down side, stuff is heavy/dirty and eventually your knees go, from all the crawling around, plus also need **** loads of tools, can manage on basic stuff, but the more you have the easier it is
Upside money is good and you can almost walk from one job to another, sign up to one of them job agencies, non stop phone calls and emails for interviews etc

Had to have plumber come and fix central heating on our other house the other day, 1x pump, 1x stat sensor and 8 hours chasing down a pipe blockage 489 quid!!
Another guy at work his immersion has died, local plumbers want between 80 and 100 call out with first 1/2 labour free!
So plumbing is another avenue, again you dont need to be a genius, especially as most work will be minor leaks and moving radiators around etc

Out of the above two if I could do it again it would be plumbing as you can go it alone and not have to spend thousands on specialist tools and the new trucks are so complicated its unreal.
Google Euro6 Daf Cummins to see whats involved
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