Was bored this morning, Got receipts all over the place so thought I'd put them all in one place. Didn't take as long as I thought it would so decided to add it all up.
Only did it quickly so I may be out slightly, Plus some stuff I don't have receipts for so it's off the top of my head.
Knew It wasn't a good idea to add it all up :eek: I think I've scared myself :eek: Lesson learnt :eek:
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I've kept all of my receipts, just haven't had the bottle to add it all up :lalala:
my lightweight when added up cost just a tad over 12k ,,,,,its the little receipts u forget that add up !!!!!!!!!!!! (PS DON'T TELL MY WIFE) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, GATSO :eek:
That is making me feel better about how much I have spent. I suppose it depends on what you're trying to achieve. I'm wanting mine to look smart, be as corrosion free as possible and have many many years left in it.
Do you have pictures of the lightweight on LZ?
no piccys on here ,but "MILLI THE REBUILD" over on,, THE LIGHTWEIGHT LAND ROVER FORUM ,has my full build ,and she was in this Aprils CLASSIC LAND ROVER MAGAZINE 5 page write up ( my claim to fame ) lol
I've kept all of my receipts, just haven't had the bottle to add it all up :lalala:

Exactly, Wish I never added all mine up :eek:
I didn't have receipts for everything so I wrote it all down and it was 6 a4 sheets of paper long. And that was just the little inexpensive bits. Soon adds up though :eek:
I've been pretty conservative with the spending too so dread to think what it would cost if I did everything as I wanted.

my lightweight when added up cost just a tad over 12k ,,,,,its the little receipts u forget that add up !!!!!!!!!!!! (PS DON'T TELL MY WIFE) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, Easy done bud. I try and control the spending slightly or I'd be down that road too.

no piccys on here ,but "MILLI THE REBUILD" over on,, THE LIGHTWEIGHT LAND ROVER FORUM ,has my full build ,and she was in this Aprils CLASSIC LAND ROVER MAGAZINE 5 page write up ( my claim to fame ) lol

Nice, Will check the build thread out what I get chance :)
How did you get it in a LR magazine? Or did they contact you.
ref landy mag i emailed them with a few piccys then they came to do a shoot ,and sent a reporter a few days later ,,all in all was a great experience ,prob never to be repeated ,lol
ref landy mag i emailed them with a few piccys then they came to do a shoot ,and sent a reporter a few days later ,,all in all was a great experience ,prob never to be repeated ,lol

Ah, Fair enough, Didn't know how it all worked :)

Surely that can't be just for the conversion? :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Nooo, Good gosh :eek:
For the complete build, Including purchase of the original vehicle. Still more than I'd have liked to spend if I'm honest :eek:
Which section, eg Series III Lightweights, and on what page of that section is your thread currently on?
Cheers, Aaron.
Enormous amount of detail gone in to that build and looks great. Well done, Gatso. Great achievement :D
Hello mr gatso its jon from greenfiled you looking on here must mine you have finished the lightweigth and getting board and looking for a new project.i did the same but had it pinched off the drive about 8 weeks ago,but have now got a another to re chassis .must be mad whats up with us all.
hi ,jon really sorry to her she got nicked after all that hard work ,,any idea who ,,and hope she was well insured ,what u building now and have u finished you're ninety ????was it the ninety that got nicked or the lightweight
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Got to see the blue beast in person today and all I can say is WOW
Top job Aaron it looks the dogs mate
I could not get my head around the size of the turbo its chuffing huge :eek:

Good to meet you mate looking forward to seeing it running
Got to see the blue beast in person today and all I can say is WOW
Top job Aaron it looks the dogs mate
I could not get my head around the size of the turbo its chuffing huge :eek:

Good to meet you mate looking forward to seeing it running

No idea why I didn't reply to this, Well actually I can't even remember if I read it or not :eek:
But yeah good to meet you too and cheers mate :)
Turbo is only a baby one for now :D
Just want the bloody thing done though :(
Well I haven't updated this for a while, Have still been a little ****ed off decided I need to concentrate on something else before I go mad :(
So this is what I've been doing over the last few weeks.
Not strictly related to this thread but thought I'd stick it here anyway.

First job was a transfer box rebuild for a friend.
I forgot to get pictures all the way through but it was a scruffy looking thing to start with.
Actually some picture seem to have disappeared :mad:

Started cleaning a few bits up.
Not perfect but a darn sight better than they where.


And finished(ish) :eek: Need some new bolts for the pto cover seen as the rest are.


So with that finished I decided I'd try and rebuild an lt77 I had lying around that had wear on the main shaft (output splines)

So this is what I started with.


Removed the extension casing with it on the floor, But then though why not stick it on the bench :doh:


Removed bell housing, Stuck it in vice and removed casing.
(Yep theirs loads of pics missing as I forgot :eek:)



Lifted pinion shaft off.


And the lay shaft.


Removed main shaft assembly and left with a bare(ish) casing.


Everything appeared to be very clean. Much to my surprise.


Removed one of the bearings on the main shaft with a puller.


The other one, The pullers I had where either to big to get in for not long enough. So I um'ed and ah'ed for ages as to how to get it off.
In the end I stuck it in the press and it came off with ease :D


Removed the rest of the gear/syncro assemblies and left with a bare main shaft. (The bit I'm replacing)


Also needed to get this bearing race out of the pinion shaft.


So I bought this set of blind bearing pullers. I would have made something to do the job or welded around it if need be.
But I had just sold some seats so had a couple of quid available.


And just like that :) Easy when you have the right tools for the job.


Cleaned the casing up, Again not the best but a lot better than it was.


Painted main casing in epoxy primer, Bloody good stuff but not the cheapest.
Luckily I had some left over from something else.


And painted in 2k satin black.


Next job was to clean the extension casing up.
A parts washer or dish washer would have been nice at this point :D


Box of bits arrived.


So with the bits here I could crack on.
Cleaned and assembled one end of main shaft including new baulk rings and bearing pressed on the end.


And the other end. I think it's all right anyway :eek:


Managed to get the remaining bearings off. They got damaged in the process but that doesn't really matter seen as new ones have been fitted.


Built it back up into center plate.
Of all the things on this job, The thing that scared me the most is the selectors :eek: They're probably really easy to be fair but I just make them complicated in my head.


And then stuck the main casing on with a new gasket inbetween and bolted up.


Put the front housing on to check preload, Put extension case on and pressed oil seal collar on.


And it's done :)
Dead chuffed with how it went and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Much easier than I thought, Nothing really complicated and wouldn't bother me doing another one in future :)
Hmm do I fancy an R380 next :eek:


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