So it's been a glorious day today. I should have made the most of it. But it never really happened.
Worked yesterday so nothing got done then either. Any way here's the progress I did manage
First job, Get another coat of paint on the front axle.
Managed to knock the tin of paint over in the process. So I'm now half a tin lighter
Started building the rear axle up, Using all new seals and gaskets etc.
Changed 4 of the studs for longer ones so they can actually be used and not leak anymore
Diff in.
And wheels on. Yes they'll have to come off again to fit callipers. But they need painting. But wheels on makes it easier to move about.
Aframe prepped and painted.
Started prepping a few other bits.
And got a few bits in etch primer ready for spraying.
And lastly a few front axle bits ready for assembly.