:doh: Pressed enter before I finished my post.

So the rest of today involved removing the fuel tank.
Removed the rad and intercooler.
All oil cooler and pas pipe disconnected.

And a few more bits of rot on the chassis.

Out rigger has seen better days :eek:
Other side looks like it's been patched to buggery anorl.



And a couple of holes on the rear crossmember.


Are you planning on keeping it long term? Best spend the £££ now if you are dude

Yes I plan on keeping it. Hence wanting the best I can.
My dilemma is this.
I've got a mint bulkhead in storage. But its an r380 tunnel so that means ill need to change to the floor pans, Trans tunnel and seat box.

I was set on doing this until today when for some reason it crossed my mind that it wasn't as bad as I thought.

Infact thinking about it I'm being stupid :eek: Its not a dilemma. I just need to go the newer bulkhead route. It's there so I might as well use it.
Didnt know that if you changed the gearbox u had to change the bulkhead :eek:

So if i wanted a r380 box in mine id have to change my bulkhead?
Didnt know that if you changed the gearbox u had to change the bulkhead :eek:

So if i wanted a r380 box in mine id have to change my bulkhead?

R380 is wider. But that's not what I was trying to say.
What I was try to say is, I've got a td5 bulkhead. But the td5 uses the r380 tunnel. Which is wider than the LT77 tunnel. So would have to use the r380 tunnel and seatbox.
Either that or make an adaptor up. to go from r380 bulkhead to LT77 trans tunnel.
If that makes sense :eek:
Spend money only where you have to matey, there's no point in using things just for the sake of it when what you have is more than good enough!! :)
Will be interesting if you do this, i've got a td5 bulkhead to fit to my 200tdi hopefully this year

Will keep you updated. Allthough my thinking is it may be easier to use the R380 tunnel.

Spend money only where you have to matey, there's no point in using things just for the sake of it when what you have is more than good enough!! :)

Yes I see it that way in sorts. But when I've got a mint bulkhead sat there. I feel getting it shot blasted and galved would be money well spent?

Where as the original bulkhead I would be chasing my tail so to speak. Maybe not for a few years. But still it would eventually come.
Will keep you updated. Allthough my thinking is it may be easier to use the R380 tunnel.

Yes I see it that way in sorts. But when I've got a mint bulkhead sat there. I feel getting it shot blasted and galved would be money well spent?

Where as the original bulkhead I would be chasing my tail so to speak. Maybe not for a few years. But still it would eventually come.

Why not strip and have both of them dipped, that would offset the cost. :)
what bits you got mate?

Most of the bits have already gone.
So now most of the body needs to go. Taking far to much room up at the mo.
Plus a set of lift springs. Light bar (I think) Probably a few other bits.

To be fair I think it's more a case of what hasn't he got. ;) :D

To be fair the amount of stuff I've got is slowly going down :)
Not sure if that's a good thing or not :confused:
I had my eye on the light bar with lights for the fender if u still have it? pm me dude with what u have and prices. cheers
So time for another update :)
So this morning I removed the props. Front one needs a set of U/J's so I'll have to buy a vice. To enable me to do them.

Removed exhaust system and middle crossmember.

Unbolted engine and gearbox mounts. Strapped up and was ready to lift the engine out.


And back on safe ground :p


Bloody hard work on yer own trying to remove engine and box. On a cobble(ish) drive way. Aching like a bastard :eek:




After that I removed the aframe, rear shock brackets, Tow bar and any other chassis brackets that I think I'm going to need for the new one :)

Glad I've had an impact gun for the strip down. Some of the bolts have been a ####. So if it doesn't come undone. Sheer it off :D And so much quicker

Hoping to get at least one axle removed tomorrow. But we'll see as I've got a problem to look at on my brothers. (Alternator isn't sitting square)
Looking forward to watching you put this back together using a nice new shinny galvanised chassis. :)

What you doing with the tow bar matey.?!
Looking forward to watching you put this back together using a nice new shinny galvanised chassis. :)

What you doing with the tow bar matey.?!

Yep me to, Can't wait to finish the strip down and start tarting a few bits up and ordering some shiny new bits :D At least I'll feel like I'm getting some were then.

Edit. Just to add. Not sure what I'll be doing with the tow bar.
If my chassis comes with a td5 crossmember (Which is quite possible as I want td5 tank mounts) it'll be useless to me anyway
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Yep me to, Can't wait to finish the strip down and start tarting a few bits up and ordering some shiny new bits :D At least I'll feel like I'm getting some were then.

Edit. Just to add. Not sure what I'll be doing with the tow bar.
If my chassis comes with a td5 crossmember (Which is quite possible as I want td5 tank mounts) it'll be useless to me anyway

If you get a Richards they will put the tank mounts in for td5 tank but I'm pretty sure you keep the proper rear crossmember! I regret not getting the td5 tank mounts on mine! Gives the option of a 2nd tank if you need it.
If you get a Richards they will put the tank mounts in for td5 tank but I'm pretty sure you keep the proper rear crossmember! I regret not getting the td5 tank mounts on mine! Gives the option of a 2nd tank if you need it.

Yep, I was looking at Richards website last night.

You can pay £50 to have them but with the td5 crossmember
Or, £100 and keep the original crossmember for the year.

Think I'll just pay £50 and live with the td5 crossmember. As it's not exactly going to be an original looking vehicle any way :)

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