I'm with the AA, I can't remember how much it costs but it's a lot more than when I first joined 20 years ago. In that time, I've had to call them out three times, twice for punctures on motorbikes and once to recover my series 3 the day I bought it. On each occasion, I've had to wait more than 3 hours for a truck to arrive. When the landy broke down on the motorway, they sent a recovery truck after 3 hours and it only took me as far as Clacket Lane Services where I had to wait another 5 hours before another truck could take me and the landy home. Annoying as it is to be waiting for ages, it's still better than not having the piece of mind of a breakdown service.

I was with the AA until 3 year ago when I bought a small motorhome and they said they could not accept that because its width was 2 centimetres outside their parameters. So, after 51 years membership and very, very few calls on the service I had to change to the RAC who were happy to accept the extra cms.
On one of the few occasions I used the AA, I learnt what Relay meant, too! The only thing that was good about that day was that the recovery driver was very obliging when I asked him to make a Service Station stop at a given time so that I could feed and inject insulin into my diabetic dog! Turned out that he was diabetic so fully understood the dog's need.
Well, we are with ADAC, you may never have heard of them, unless you are in the Caravan Club, which we are not in either! But as we spend 180 days in France every year, none of the normal cover companies would cover us, i.e. the ones you get cheap with your insurance, which is the ones we normally went with. So ADAC, German company, cover any car for me and my wife for about €100 per year, any where in Europe including the UK. And all we have to do is to tell them where we want to be recovered to each time we move countries.
Cannot vouch for how they are on a breakdown/recovery as we have not had need of recovery since wifey's Kit Car (Chesil Speedster) broke down in France on the motorway in 2012. She was with Heritage insurance and their recovery people came, picked her up, nothing to pay, which is pretty miraculous cos getting off a French Mway can cost an arm and a leg.
If you are with ADAC, when you ring for recovery you need to tell the people who answer the phone to get the ADAC registered people to do the recovery, and if you don't you need to contact ADAC afterwards and they will refund the cost.
Ring and re-negotiate, with the figures to hand from the other major players ...
Will do when I finish the track rod. But same with the AA insurance, my wife's quote this year was stupid expensive and she switched to Swinton (?) but mine with the AA was by far the best for the D2 V8. I'll see what I can get it down to before going to the RAC or GF.
I'll bet none of youse get these guys to get yers ....



Just renewed mine for the year. had to give the RAC a call and have a conversation about their renewal, but happy with the outcome.

Personal cover,
Unlimited call outs.
Home start.
15 months for £ 128

I'm with the RAC but pay a lot more as I have full recovery in Europe as well as UK.
We had the trouble of trying to find a company that will do recovery across Europe for longer than 90 days. After messing about for a long time we found ADAC, a German company.
Sadly they are no longer taking on customers from outside Germany but they will allow former members to carry on getting cover with them.
So, €108 for both of us, wifey and me, in whichever car we choose to drive all over Europe including the UK. As we take two cars with us, this is more than great. Leaves AA, RAC, Green flag etc standing.
Found it by accident through Google and the caravan club, even though we don't own a caravan.
Think they must recently have had too many claims from outside of Germany.:(:(:(
Incidentally, I did point out to Saga, the only company who will insure peeps for as long as they want to drive in Europe, that it is stupid they will insure you but will only provide recovery for 90 days. They told me they would look into it, but have yet to hear back.:rolleyes:
We had the trouble of trying to find a company that will do recovery across Europe for longer than 90 days. After messing about for a long time we found ADAC, a German company.
Sadly they are no longer taking on customers from outside Germany but they will allow former members to carry on getting cover with them.
So, €108 for both of us, wifey and me, in whichever car we choose to drive all over Europe including the UK. As we take two cars with us, this is more than great. Leaves AA, RAC, Green flag etc standing.
Found it by accident through Google and the caravan club, even though we don't own a caravan.
Think they must recently have had too many claims from outside of Germany.:(:(:(
Incidentally, I did point out to Saga, the only company who will insure peeps for as long as they want to drive in Europe, that it is stupid they will insure you but will only provide recovery for 90 days. They told me they would look into it, but have yet to hear back.:rolleyes:
Yes, mine is for a 90 day period but that is all I wanted as it is just for holidays. I did mine through the RAC Arrival scheme as it was to cover my motorhome as well as any car I was driving. - it's the vehicle size that is important for the recovery/repatriation.
Had a bad experince with GF donkeys years ago - I expect they will have improved somewhat ( they could NOT have got worse ).

Been with the AA for years now, for two reasons - First no vehicle age limit, and Second, they always send their own folk .... this is important to us, given we take our holidays in a place where the local, er, "garage" are about as much use as a chocolate fireguard - they even managed to drop the oil out of an Alfa Romeo onto grass - I still can't figure out what they thought they were doing :confused:

Having just checked prices, we have AA cover cheaper than GF too :)

We were with the aa for many eyars, used them 3 times, and of them 3 times only once did one of their own vans turn up.
AA and RAC both to expensive.
I find it kind of strange that nowadays modern cars are so reliable compared to say 30 years ago, yet people are prepared to pay serious money for breakdown insurance?

I think my s2 and 90 has breakdiwn ins in the car insurance premium, so full comp and bdown cover for 250 quid for both cars, and that is european wide breakdown cover.
The D3 is 40 quid Iirc, from start rescue, Iirc all I wanted was for them to get me and the car home from wherever I was, no homestart, no polish my knob, find my keys etc, just get the car home.

The problam is as usual moiney, the small bdown boys will only get something like ten quid for being woken up in the middle of the night to go and change someones puncture!
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Im not too far from the A82 its mental this time of year, I wanted to go for a bite to eat to Ardlui Hotel
(they do an amazing steak pie) got about a mile from Tarbet & the usual motorbike accident so about
turned & went up the rest & be thankful to Oban to see my mate at the seafood restaurant & stuffed
my face with mussels, scallops & oysters lurvly :D
Which restaurant?

Wonder how that works with a FFRR?

Private cars or motorcycles, Vans with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) up to 2500 kgs, Motorhomes/campervans with a GVW up to 3500 kgs which do not exceed 7 metres/23 feet in length or 2.3 metres/7 feet 7 inches in width (including any extra fitments). We cover caravans which do not exceed 7 metres/23 feet in length (not including the length of the 'A' frame or hitch) and trailers which do not exceed 3 metres/10 feet in length (including any load but not including the length of the A frame or hitch) that are attached to a vehicle that has broken down and we offer a limited service if the caravan or trailer itself has broken down. Any caravan or trailer must be attached using a standard 50 millimetre/2 inch towing coupling. We DO NOT cover Vans with a GVW over 2500kgs. If in doubt, please check the terms and conditions.

Wonder how that works with a FFRR?

Private cars or motorcycles, Vans with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) up to 2500 kgs, Motorhomes/campervans with a GVW up to 3500 kgs which do not exceed 7 metres/23 feet in length or 2.3 metres/7 feet 7 inches in width (including any extra fitments). We cover caravans which do not exceed 7 metres/23 feet in length (not including the length of the 'A' frame or hitch) and trailers which do not exceed 3 metres/10 feet in length (including any load but not including the length of the A frame or hitch) that are attached to a vehicle that has broken down and we offer a limited service if the caravan or trailer itself has broken down. Any caravan or trailer must be attached using a standard 50 millimetre/2 inch towing coupling. We DO NOT cover Vans with a GVW over 2500kgs. If in doubt, please check the terms and conditions.

Don't care, haven't got one! :p

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