First time seeing this thread, interesting read.

Looking forward to more updates now you've resurrected it!

Glad it's back and running.. Did enjoy the cake you cooked in the back at the Bath and West

This one? :D:D


It certainly didn't last long :eek:
It's apparent that one roof vent may have leaked in the past o_O

All cleaned up and shiney noo one fitted. About to have a bash at tother side :)

Job done, now to ponder why so much paint has blistered off the roof and bonnet?

Everywhere else is OK, guessing it's the sun but even the side that was facing south is fine.

Any ideas before I get the paint pot and yard brush out?
Looks good, more pics please.

Bit tricky to get shots in the workshop :confused:

Most of the paintwork is reasonable apart from the roof and bonnet



The inside has survived well enough even though it was leaking into the cupboard and out the gas vent for the oven.


Bit frustrated because I want to sort the welding but I'm out of gas and skinted for another week or so.....worth it though to have her back :D
Paint lifting looks like it just didn't like what was underneath, then water, (ice too), dirt and primordial life have finished the job.

Glad you've got going on it again.
Read back to refresh my memory, and cam across these.

Picked up the Ambulance today...

....and at present looks like it's been painted with a mop by a baboon on amphetamines....but Pikey might have taked a few and I will as and when there's something interesting to see


Not happy with the finish because one of the many layers of paint seems to react with the new stuff but I'm going to leave it to dry and flatten it back before a second coat and hopefully that'll improve it.

Not going to strip back to metal because she's going to get scratched up anyway but even I have standards :p

I think that your answer's in there.
Read back to refresh my memory, and cam across these.


I think that your answer's in there.

Possibly but I'm not sure why it's only the roof and bonnet. Even the wing tops are OK.

The roof was the last thing I painted and might have only got one coat (I can't remember tbh) and being the least seen I prolly skimped on the prep :confused:o_O

I might try etch priming the whole area instead of just bare patches before repainting.
Only managed to get a few hours in through this week but did rub the bonnet down and get 3 coats of paint on as well as tidying up the wing tops and leading edge of the roof.

When I have time I'll do an in depth and informative thread on how to spend ages on preparation and STILL get a sh1te finish :D:D


Ooo and I've decided to coat the inside with custard in case of cake emergencies


The important news is I managed to get to screwfix and pick up some 1mm cutting discs so I'll try and sneak off early from work tomorrow to start butchering the footwells :)
Finally grabbed some time to hack the rot out of the drivers footwell and cut a plate to fit.

All ready to weld as soon as I get some gas.

After snapping 2 out of 3 manifold to downpipe studs I began to regret tinkering with the zorst :(


Took the manifolds of and welded nuts to the remains. One came out.....the other snapped flush so I've drilled it and it'll have to wait until I've added to my (non existent ) imperial tap collection :rolleyes:

On the plus side the drivers footwell and one outrigger are welded so I'm close to motable condition....possibly
Took her for a little test run today :) after stripping down the rear wheel cylinders and cleaning up the bores with a little wet and dry the seals look to be holding which is good news. It looks like a small build up of Ali oxide just in front of the seal from being laid up was causing leaks but the seals themselves look good.

Will try the same with the fronts when I next get a chance. This is the first weekend this year I haven't needed to work on someone else's car :confused:
BB, just read your thread from start to finish, very interesting!
The pics of you greenlaning, are they in Happy Valley and bastard lane....they look very familiar! Fair play to you for taking her down the bastard, although it makes me feel less of a hero for 'conquering' it in my 90!! :D
BB, just read your thread from start to finish, very interesting!
The pics of you greenlaning, are they in Happy Valley and bastard lane....they look very familiar! Fair play to you for taking her down the bastard, although it makes me feel less of a hero for 'conquering' it in my 90!! :D

Yep :) she did get her fat @rse hung up a little at the bottom of bastard but some judicial jumping up and down sorted it :p
Looks a fantastic vehicle and very homely camper. Really pleased to see you managed to keep hold of her, can't imagine there being many about.

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