:confused: Why are employers still so up tight about laser eye surgery? It's been around for many years now and is well proven.

:confused: Why are employers still so up tight about laser eye surgery? It's been around for many years now and is well proven.


They seem to think that laser eye surgery isn't proven at night. Something about a halo effect around lights causing defective vision.
Iv heard of police/ fire service applications being banned on wrong colour pen being used, shows you can't follow simple orders lol

Yes, when I applied for the fire brigade 20 years ago, they used to have a paper sift because they got so many applications. Wrong colour pen. Bin. Spelling mistake. Bin. Crossing out. Bin. That would whittle the numbers down enough for them to actually start reading the forms. Nowdays, the application process is a farce due to what they call positive 'action', (used to be called positive discrimination, until that became illegal), to recruit 'under represented' groups of people.
Basically answer:

Yes I'll do tonnes of overtime.
Yes I'll go anywhere you send me.
No I won't drink or take drugs whilst on duty
Yes I will adhere to the rule book

And finally No I will not crash your train.


Im pretty sure I've filled out forms like that wne renting aircraft in Florida :lol:

:confused: Why are employers still so up tight about laser eye surgery? It's been around for many years now and is well proven.


Because its really not well proven at all, think about long term effects after 5, 10, 15 yrs - they just dont know those yet. It also wears off over time and vision will degrade.
Because its really not well proven at all, think about long term effects after 5, 10, 15 yrs - they just dont know those yet. It also wears off over time and vision will degrade.

I had it done at least 25 years ago, and I recall my consultant at my final consultation saying that my eyes were now fit for flying fast jets with the RAF (a career choice I decided not to follow up!). I did enquire about joining South Wales Police late in the '80s or early '90s and got a snooty letter back saying 'don't bother we don't touch people who've had laser eye surgery'. That was my first encounter with the antis.

Laser eye surgery wearing off over time is just plain eye wash, and nothing on earth will stop natural degradation of your vision with increasing age. I'm now hitting middle age and, same as many blokes, find I need reading glasses for short range stuff, but that's nothing to do with having or not having laser eye surgery.

I still think that £1,400 was amongst the best money I've ever spent and would recommend it.

Anyway, it doesn't look as if I will ever be a train driver. :)

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