A good ability to concentrate is a bonus Ooooooh squirrel. :D :D sorry what did you say??

ahh... so it was you who was photographed "asleep at the metaphorical wheel" last year then?? ;)

It's all about the ability to display a professional attitude, plenty of common sense and being technically minded.

I was just about to click apply until you posted that ;)
I'd apply but I don't think they'd let a diabetic play with trains..

Quite right. A mate of mine got took off the job at our company due to his diabetic condition.
Fair play to them though, they found him a job elsewhere in the main HQ.
Just be aware one of the first things they look at on the application form is spelling and grammar.

I remember one year, they had that many applicants that the first selection process involved binning any forms with poor spelling or grammatical errors!
Basically answer:

Yes I'll do tonnes of overtime.
Yes I'll go anywhere you send me.
No I won't drink or take drugs whilst on duty
Yes I will adhere to the rule book

And finally No I will not crash your train.

And whatever you do, don't say you're here for the money. ;)

And make sure you research the company, 'cos one of the first questions they'll ask is; 'so what can you tell me about who we are and what we do?'
Just be aware one of the first things they look at on the application form is spelling and grammar.

I remember one year, they had that many applicants that the first selection process involved binning any forms with poor spelling or grammatical errors!

Iv heard of police/ fire service applications being banned on wrong colour pen being used, shows you can't follow simple orders lol

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