
Hi guys

Simple Question really

Who's up for a wonder in the Peak district?

let me know and if theres enough interest we will sort dates etc out..

I agree a lot of Faceache groups are frequented by ejuts, but there are exceptions.

Being over here, the nearest LZ member that I meet up with is 4 or 5 hours away, so although we see each other maybe once or twice a year for coffee and cake it we're passing - its not exactly the best for arranging trips.

There is though a great Facebook group for Landies in NZ - actually they're split into different groups for different models - but all get together for trips. I've been on some great trips with them. Whoever's organised each one has done a great job and they've been awesome trips. This one was organised by one of the members...

One I get my VCU replaced, new tyres etc. I'd be up for something, especially with someone who knows what they're doing so I can get the most out of my FL - I'm based in Leicestershire, but happy to make the trip if it's south peaks area.
Would depend when it is and we'd probably be in my lads Defender - if he isn't working (which is why it depends when it is! As for not being in my Freelander - errrm, slight lack of a full license, my lad isn't old enough to be official supervisor and they don't accept my wife's American license as a supervisor either!!

We've never off roaded before and it would be a good introduction for him, especially as he's getting a bit disheartened with his Defender and needs a good cheering up.

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