
Having a senior moment
Ok Here's the deal:

I keep a sort of diary of our outings. A blog. I do not expect that people will be interesrted in it, its not written well and is maily so that My kids can look back and find something that reminds them of what mistakes we make and what fun we have. There may be a few lessons newcomers to the sport may learn from. I don't mind being honest when I f*ck up; and there are some photos. Take a look if you like but know this!

members on this site have been doing this for a long time and some of them really know what they are talking about. And then there's the onesnorth of Watford Gap but we don't mention them! (only joking).

I am keeping this blog and hope that newbies may glean some useful tips from it an dnot make the same mistakes I have done ( and will do in the future).

Remember: making a mistake and learning from it is education. Being Northern is a product of birth!
Being stuck and getting out is product of good friends
Being stuck and not getting out is a product of stupidity (I did this see below)
Being Northern and taking the **** out of southerners makes no sense (but they dessrve our compassion)
and finally:

Most of the site members are really quite knowledgable. Read what they write... reject the jokes and mickey taking... and you will find a font of usefull info.

Daily Laning

Above all:

If you meet me on a lane tow me out...

If I meet you on a lane I'll do the same...

and finally:

Bring 5 big Mac's

Daily Laning
Ooops sorry about the spelling... seriously ****ed real ale followed by serious vodka before posting. If I upset anyone I apologise.... actually no I dont't wanna fight... gimme a punch up... go on mista you wanna piece.... my shogun's a match for any landie... ( except spyderman's and anyone else who gets me out of the mire!)
just had a look at the blog, you're forgiven for having a shogun as us Landy owners needs someone we can test our towing on! Good blog, keep it up

Good blog. I bet Jai wished he'd had his waders with him, you get the first one for free, but next time you put the rope on.

Good blog. I bet Jai wished he'd had his waders with him, you get the first one for free, but next time you put the rope on.

aaaaah the good old 'you got stuck you get dirty' technique. :D
Good blog Ryder!!

reading your top entry about driving up the river. Does anyone know/care what the legallity is of doing this? I got stuck (a little bit) driving up a river a few weeks ago. While i was wading/sweating trying to get the sucker out, some old fart came wandering over callin me ten types of mo fo. Informing me that he was calling the poilice and bla bla bla bla bla. To be honest I wasnt in the mood at the time and told him to shuv his co-ck up his own arse.
Anyway later, when I had calmed down, I thought about it. I have always been of the opinion that no body in particular owns the river bed. I know that with fishing, people have rights to the banks and surrounding land but cant stop you throwing a line of a boat and fishing their stretch of river.

Also thought that no one can stop you taking a boat down the river. Is it the same with a Landy?
Good blog Ryder!!

reading your top entry about driving up the river. Does anyone know/care what the legallity is of doing this?

It was the Ford at Violets Lane, Furneux Pelham, which takes the path of the river rather than a normal Ford which just crosses a River. Perfectly legal Ford to drive, about 800m long and can be very deep after rain.
It was the Ford at Violets Lane, Furneux Pelham, which takes the path of the river rather than a normal Ford which just crosses a River. Perfectly legal Ford to drive, about 800m long and can be very deep after rain.

Im sure you guys wouldnt have broken any rules!

But still what is the crack with driving up the river a little past a ford? Is this illegal if you dont touch the riverbank?

If it is legal in a motorboat. Is it illegal in a Landy? My Landy has floated once or twice. While floating could you be classed as a motorboat??
yes - rite of access on waterways is controlled by the riparian owners of the riverbanks. As a canoeist, it is a bone of contention - access on waterways.
Wow... I never expected anyone to read it... its more as a diary for my kids to remember what we did when they were small. Spyderman will know how much they are enjoying things at the moment but they are only 5 and 8 years old so will forget without help. I'll certainly keep it going, I enjoy writing it to be honest. Regarding the legality of the ford... if it don't stop your engine it must be ok. (I know its not exactly legal jargon but hey who cares). IO do know that on the broads, some of the waterways are considered private and we are not allowed to cruise them, but Furneaux Pelham is marked as a byway, after all what is a river if not a right of way that got a bit wet?
Hey there all - this is Ryders wife, we have only been doing this laning thing for three weeks - still not yet familiar with the etiquet but learning fast. Just for the record I am turning towards a Disco, We are moving from Dunstable to Eaton Bray so we shall need a second vehicle so I can get 3 of the 4 kids to school. I presume that automatic vehicles are crap? (shame I am a lazy on road driver) and that I should get a diesel? We need a seven seater but Discos seem to have this as standard- am I right? I like the design of the Discos with the raised roof at the back - seen one in west street Dunstable - not sure what age it is. Definately don't want a new one - scratches should be always filled with mud! Shows you have been using the vehicle for the right purpose.
Here's a thought.... when does a car become a boat. If your landy floats for a few yards it must be a boat right? I mean look at top gear where they converted cars to both cars and boats! Maybe a landie could incorporate a fan and skirt and become an off road hovercraft... imagine that on the muddy lanes! Perhaps I am imagining too much... one more night with too much vodka!
Not all Disco's are 7 seaters, some are only 5, but it's easy to see.
Automatics are fine off-road and there is a Diesel Auto available, but not till series II with the TD5 engine, I think. You'll pay more for the Auto. Series II are a bit longer behind the rear axle, so reduced departure angle, compared to series 1. Series I 300Tdi is probably the best to go for, about 'S' reg. approx £2,500 for a good one.
Hi Ryder's wife,
Yes, Discos are available in auto in both TDi (Last proper Landie engine) and TD5
As you probably know, Discos run on same gear as Defender, though the longer body shell make attack and departure angles less on the Disco, still these should be sufficient for green-laneing and all but the most extreme off-roading. The extra weight and softer suspension (?) make the ride softer (You may need sea-sickness pills but that shouldn't be a problem after the Shogun.)

all the best urban dekay
Hey there all - this is Ryders wife, we have only been doing this laning thing for three weeks - still not yet familiar with the etiquet but learning fast. Just for the record I am turning towards a Disco, We are moving from Dunstable to Eaton Bray so we shall need a second vehicle so I can get 3 of the 4 kids to school. I presume that automatic vehicles are crap? (shame I am a lazy on road driver) and that I should get a diesel? We need a seven seater but Discos seem to have this as standard- am I right? I like the design of the Discos with the raised roof at the back - seen one in west street Dunstable - not sure what age it is. Definately don't want a new one - scratches should be always filled with mud! Shows you have been using the vehicle for the right purpose.

this one's only bout half hour's drive from you , ticks all the right boxesAutotrader - LAND ROVER Discovery 200 Tdi
I'll send you the pics from the weekend. I've got your email addy here somewhere.

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