Rank Amatuer

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Why do brakes sometimes squeal, and what can I do to prevent it?

What are the advantages of silicon hoses given the old, cheap, rubber ones have lasted more than a decade?
Break squeal cured usually by a smear of copper grease on the back of the pad, funnily enough, not by dousing the pads in WD40 :rolleyes:

Sillycünt hoses are really for performance engines where used in the induction system they don't balloon as much and therefore boost pressure loss is minimal and constant, in the cooling system they're just an alternative to rubber.
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Why do brakes sometimes squeal, and what can I do to prevent it?

What are the advantages of silicon hoses given the old, cheap, rubber ones have lasted more than a decade?
Good questions and not so good answers below.

Why do brakes squeal? Because they are dry and at times can resonate due vibration or surface to surface friction.
You could put a little copper grease on the back of the pads and runners to stop most squeals.

Advantages of silicon hoses? None. unless you are increasing performance of your engine and pressures on them.
I was doing new pads and discs last week, the grease only needs to go on the sides of the pads where they touch the calliper.

Copper grease can damage the rubber or your pistons/ sliders etc.
I was doing new pads and discs last week, the grease only needs to go on the sides of the pads where they touch the calliper.

Copper grease can damage the rubber or your pistons/ sliders etc.
Not sure about copper grease affecting rubber.
Never had any issues myself and I have been using it for years on my bikes and cars.
Not sure about copper grease affecting rubber.
Never had any issues myself and I have been using it for years on my bikes and cars.
I always thought to use it as well but apparently it's gone out of fashion.

I don't know if it's because components are different now.
Good questions and not so good answers below.

Why do brakes squeal? Because they are dry and at times can resonate due vibration or surface to surface friction.
You could put a little copper grease on the back of the pads and runners to stop most squeals.

Advantages of silicon hoses? None. unless you are increasing performance of your engine and pressures on them.

Wash ur mouth out, since changing my silicone hoses it’s become that fast my go faster strips peeled off, lol :p

I think you’ll find silicone hoses have the advantage of making you look like a bad boy, increasing the size of your cock and making you irresistible to women.

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