
Well-Known Member
Tuesday,10.30 am, 200yds from my gate, on a very narrow farm lane unsuitable for even 7.5 tonners, going home, in first on auto box going down a slope, dustcart (dennis eagle,17 ton maybe) comes round corner straight at me. Im doing under 15,possibly under 10 mph,swerved slightly to avoid head on (where my bonnet goes under their cab and I get crushed),they keep coming and dont swerve into gateway to their left,dont think they even seen me.My disco goes up bank,rolls onto side,all windows smashed,me tangled in wheel and pedals.They hit me while Im on side and smash their windscreen,wiper and frame.While one of them dragged me out of wreck they moved their truck back and wiped the green paint off that was deposited when they hit me.They call police etc while I am in shock,sobbing over losing another disco when I was being so ****ing careful.Cops,ambulance,blah blah. I refuse to be taken away to hospital and get a fellow farmer to use tractor to turn me onto wheels.Or the truck rather.Dustbin men lie to coppers and all have a good laugh at me.Engineer arrives from council,has head in hands saying " I havent got over what you did yesterday yet!". Coppers say no charges to either as no witnesses.

Cant claim cos I have had 3 claims in last 3 years,one a total loss of my lovely ES 300 and got 7 points this spring for a car park bump.So my premium is now over a grand up from 200. Council are claiming against my insurance so I get ****ed anyway.Have cuts,bruising,whiplash,concussion but insurers solicitor told me today that since its being contested its not worth their while trying for comp.

I have lost a disco that a specialist 4x4 MOT station said was the best of its age they had ever seen.Been working on it a year,on the road two months.Now its a total write off and I dont even get to buy it back for parts.

I am seriously suicidal.No joking.Live on bodmin moor, am already disabled and must have 4x4 to survive in winter. Cant believe it. I have been so,so careful and now this. I really cannot cope.

Sorry to bore everyone with my self pity but I have nowhere to turn.

Oh,and its not even the dustcarts pickup route....they are a different council area to mine,they just use the lane as a short cut.
Feel for you mate. Really do. Cant traffic investigators see from collision points on ur car and dust cart and corroberate your story?
go to the local papers
make a claim against them, they will claim against you if not.
note though their insurance can not write your car off no matter how much it cost
Oh, stick a few tins of paint in your bin next collection day....... give them something to do when they get back to the depot ;)
Hat, I have DAS legal cover, they have been in touch but just gave them bare details.

I cant get anyone to just give me some advice,where I stand,what to do etc.When my insurers NFU had local offices they did that personally.Now,with repeated calls,the regional office refuse to let me talk to an advisor and when I pushed it the customer services manager had his secetary call to say he wouldnt speak to me.All I get is "call the claims line"....well I have but they cant tell me what my options are or where I stand. Im totally lost here.

Trewey. it was a caradon lorry,NOT on their pickup route as I am north cornwall bins.They use our VERY narrow lane as a shortcut route between their pickup zones. I looked up the vehicle,a Dennis Eagle 2002 was all I saw from the front and the smallest lorry they make is 17ton,much too large to be safe on our lane.
Check whether they were legally on the lane. Fight like a bastard and dont let it drop.
Dude,trafic investigator was more interested in trying to trick me into admitting I was using red diesel. All our cops are new to the area cos of a shakeup in the force and assume all farmers do that. When I tried to show her she said " what do you think that proves then?" regarding the yellow paint on my green roof.The coppers and the council crowd were all having a good laugh at me sitting in a pile of smashed tools,fishing tackle,laptop,glass,phone,clothes,crying my heart out in shock and horror. I was so,so careful. The binmen told the cops that they didnt hit meat all,tha the windscreen was hit by flying stuff....or at worst I rolled onto them. The damage could not have possibly happened that way.But no one seems to care.When I tried to show the officer the 6 ft of slide mark on the road she said " you mean 6 metres" and tried to get me to agree to that.

I have no idea what to do,how to proceed and no one that I pay will help. I have lost a vehicle that they will never pay to replace, even if they pay me at all. I have no idea what to do at all.

Thanks everyone, for your support.Sorry for the self pity.To make it all worse my old folks had to cancel their 50th wedding anniversary holiday as I cant look after the farm on my own now and lost their money.So it had caused major family trouble and I have had to move away to stay on the floor of a friends mobilehome and commute back to the farm in a very sketchy borrowed motor.What a life !
Its the liskeard office giving me the cold shoulder...I cant undrstand,they have always been great with me. The driver was from dobwalls, I will PM you his name Trewey,just in case of legal probs for the forum.

Storm, I dont know HOW to prove whether they were legally there....they use the lane often and always drive too fast,we have had to drag them out of the ditch with tractors several times.Its a subject of local note, the speed they go and how a truck that big isnt a good idea.And this is amongst experienced HGV drivers. But the police say "no witnesses" so its all about their summing up that the insurers see....and they stitched me right up with that, I know.They were horrified that their machine couldnt find ANY trace of alcohol in me. Definitly NOT on my side.Or even neutral.

I really dont know how to start with the papers or anything.Usually Im right up for it and get stuck in,but the doc says I am still in shock and concussion. If I knew what to do, I would do it ! But I am pathetically lost and ashamed to be like this.
Photos...good idea,but what of ? I thought about it but what will they prove now,since I have no "before" pics and do all my own work on vehicles ? Please dont think I am scorning the advice,far from it, I am grateful. I just need a bit of help with the thinking a am rather vague since head hitting road through side window....and leaving no immediate marks to show the paramedic or cops. I can photo the verge and the bank and the vehicle but its been raining like fcuk all week
JUst had a look at NFU mutuals Liskeard website. Apparently, "Our team of friendly, professional and helpful staff will be pleased to assist in any way we can." the past I have to say that this has always been true. I could get cheaper motor cover elsewhere,and have in the past.However,when I have had to try to claim or deal with themat all,sainsburies insurance turn out to NOT be sainsburies at all, and so on, and there is never anyone who you can get to take a personal interest. I cant blame the poor sods in the call centres for that, they get ****e money, but you can nevr speak to anyone with any clout.So, since all the families stuff and the farm business is with NFU, I go with them, pay more, and have the peace of mind that I will get personal attention. Until now.

I phoned several times on the day of the accident and was refused aces to anyone but the phone answerer.Was told every time that they did not give advice or personal help. I pointed out very sheepishly that they had in the past but was just told that they didnt do it and to call the claims line despite explaining that I already had and didnt want claims but to be told where I stood and what my options were.

After repeated calls to other depts only to be referred back to my local office I was getting very disheartened. I tried once more and asked to speak to the person in charge of motor insurance at liskeard office.I was told I could not. I politely insisted.I was told that he was busy,that he would be informed and would call me back.He didnt. I called them again and was told by the same young lady that he refused to speak to me as it was not his role and they did not ofer advice or help. I very meekly pointed out that in the past his was not so and was quite rudely rebuffed and told to go away.

What with the shock,injuries,family chaos caused by all this I did not get angry, just depressed and dispondent.

Looking at their website today I saw that Mike Gimblett,the man who refused to speak to me was referred to thus :

Mike Gimblett - Sales & Claims Support
Mike is fully licensed in Motor, Home & Lifestyle, and Commerical Insurance products. Mike can also assist you with small household claims

well,Mike, I am sadly not getting any support.I am not angry, just very,very sad and let down

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