One thing you said earlier stuck in my mind... "we often have to pull them out of the ditch with our tractors" (paraphrasing). Well, feck 'em.

Talk to the neighbours, tell them what happened and ask them to refuse to help next time. Won't help with the legal battle at hand (some great advice above so I'll not add to that), but after enough trips back to the depot with tails betweentheir legs they'll stop taking that particular shortcut. Or at least they'll slow down.

Don't get mad...
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Ignore Report 91 it was a typo (and apologies for the other typos , I was doing it in a rush , as I am this !)
Definetly try the Cornishman press..use the disabled factor it's outrageous the way you have been treated...even one of the Nationals they would take it up I'm sure have had lots of good advice here and I can't really add to it except stay focused be as well mannered as you can to get what you use going in angry with all guns blazing it will only put people on the defensive....
Thanks everyone, all taken on board.

Yesterday an assessor was on his way to inspect, I spoke to him on the phone,but I couldnt stay to see him as I have had to move out of my family home due to the problems this has caused and I needed to go to a friends to use the phone to call all parties and ask them NOT to call the farm phone as I wouldnt be available. I left exensive notes and documentsfor the bloke with a note asking him to call,text or e mail me to confirm he had been. Needless to say I got nothing and still havent.

I arrived at the farm today to walk my dogs,I still have responsibilities there even though I cant live there to be told that a tow truck had turned up this morning unannounced and tried to take the vehicle. I had spent yesterday afternoon calling EVERY number and office I could find telling them that under no circumstances was the vehicle to be moved.And it had notices pasted all over it saying so.

So, this has caused even more problems with my elderly parents,after ruining their 50th anniversary they are getting constant phone calls and visits and I cant seem to stop them however hard I try.And I dont have a home anymore.Thanks carradon council and NFU.
Thanks everyone, all taken on board.

Yesterday an assessor was on his way to inspect, I spoke to him on the phone,but I couldnt stay to see him as I have had to move out of my family home due to the problems this has caused and I needed to go to a friends to use the phone to call all parties and ask them NOT to call the farm phone as I wouldnt be available. I left exensive notes and documentsfor the bloke with a note asking him to call,text or e mail me to confirm he had been. Needless to say I got nothing and still havent.

I arrived at the farm today to walk my dogs,I still have responsibilities there even though I cant live there to be told that a tow truck had turned up this morning unannounced and tried to take the vehicle. I had spent yesterday afternoon calling EVERY number and office I could find telling them that under no circumstances was the vehicle to be moved.And it had notices pasted all over it saying so.

So, this has caused even more problems with my elderly parents,after ruining their 50th anniversary they are getting constant phone calls and visits and I cant seem to stop them however hard I try.And I dont have a home anymore.Thanks carradon council and NFU.
This is very bad, The family turned there back on you :eek::eek: Not your fault and a accident, just don't understand. Glad you didn't have a heart attack would of been your fault also:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Good luck mate wish there was someway to help you:D:D
Forgive me if I picked you up wrong but I believe you said you were disabled , if so contact a disability action group, one that specialises in your specific disability would be great. Explain to them how your basically getting screwed over by Police and council, they should be able to offer help and advice, espically helpful if you believe that your treatment by police and council was in anyway based on your disability. Get yourself to the doctors and while any physical injurys may have healed, mental illness (and don't be afraid of the term) caused by the accident will still be there, tell the Docter everything from your state of mind to the other consequences of the accident ie losing your home. You say that these bin lorrys are a frequent problem so the chances are this issue has been raised before so contact local mp / councillor, would be a good idea to contact an opposition mp who is not on the council
OMG, so sorry to read about the hassle and the idiots form the concil. One other thing to play on would be the chappie from the council's comment that you made in the first post about clearing up the mess that the driver made the day before. Wish I lived a bit nearer to offer help, I know Bodmin moor a bit as I enjoy taking the dogs up there to give them a bit of a run around, and think it a great place in any weather.

Chin up, perhaps you could get an independant vehicle assessor, there used to be one in Truro, to look at your Disco. Can't remember his name, but used him years ago when I had a fender bender with a local milk truck. Could be worth doing a search for the Bodmin area.

Hope all ends well, keep us posted.
Jesus, what a nightmare! :(

**** chucking a tin of paint in your bin I'd be chucking a box of fireworks and a can of petrol. Bastards.

If you're going down the injury compensation route, the more visits to your doctor the more money you will get, and hospital visits even more so.

I had a crash with a gf a few years back and insurance sorted comp. She went to the hospital one more time than I did, and got £1200 more than I for the same injuries.

Mention you're scared on your own road now, and that you wake up in the middle of the night having a recurring nightmare about what happened. Scared to even be a passenger now.

Def do the newspaper thing. Even better get a friend to phone it in with your contact details.
Jesus, what a nightmare! :(

**** chucking a tin of paint in your bin I'd be chucking a box of fireworks and a can of petrol. Bastards.

If you're going down the injury compensation route, the more visits to your doctor the more money you will get, and hospital visits even more so.

I had a crash with a gf a few years back and insurance sorted comp. She went to the hospital one more time than I did, and got £1200 more than I for the same injuries.

Mention you're scared on your own road now, and that you wake up in the middle of the night having a recurring nightmare about what happened. Scared to even be a passenger now.

Def do the newspaper thing. Even better get a friend to phone it in with your contact details.
Is this what you did to get more money from insurance company, don't you worry about them checking up and getting pinched for not being truthful?
Is this what you did to get more money from insurance company, don't you worry about them checking up and getting pinched for not being truthful?
I went through a lot of mental anguish when I had my crash :rolleyes:

Checking up on what exactly? Unless the thought police are present, they take your word for it.
I went through a lot of mental anguish when I had my crash :rolleyes:

Checking up on what exactly? Unless the thought police are present, they take your word for it.
Another reason that insurance rates are increasing!!! A self-confessed criminal :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: This person has robbed each and everyone of you!!!
Sounds to me like the ~OP is going through enough mental anguish anyway without the need for deception... he's been made homeless...vehicleless... and is probably well stressed...
Sounds to me like the ~OP is going through enough mental anguish anyway without the need for deception... he's been made homeless...vehicleless... and is probably well stressed...

Yes Shocker has been through alot. I don't deceive people.:D

On the other hand you are very deceptive person:mad::mad:
Thanks again for everyones interest and input....the support I am getting here is the only support I am getting and even if it wasnt, it still means a hell of a lot to me.

After "they" tried to take my truck away, I phoned the company listed on the papers that came that day (thats a whole other story!) as the salvage assessor.....they hadnt sent ANYONE and didnt know anything about the inspection or inspectors.....who hadnt given me his name but I DID have his number from 1471ing him. Which I gave them and they promised to call back. I told them I must have all comms in writing or by e mail as my phone was smashed in the accident (true,and I cant afford another as I have had to refund the cost of my parents holiday to them) and for the very real reason that I DIDNT tell them, that I now want a record of everything anybody says.I have been down this route before with people denying they have told me what they have at a later date.
Needless to say, I havent been emailed by anyone. I sent a text to the number of the mystery engineer asking him to email....nothing.

I have been trying to get some facts together before going to any papers or owt like that. I emailed council highways as a concerned resident asking if there were any restrictions on our lane.I got a call back in the morning (curses!shouldnt have given a contact number!) telling me there were no restrictions placed on size or weight or speed other than national regs.I did however learn the correct name and number of our lane.Its not named or signed anywhere so that is very useful.I didnt tell them WHY I was asking just that we residents were getting concerned with the size and speed of vehicles using the lane. I did manage to get my local councilors name and e mail though.

I emailed the council yesterday asking for the names of the household waste contractors and their routes,again as a local resident but this time wondering who was doing what since the local councils have been merged into one county, and how long their contracts had to run before unification.No reply as yet.Cannot find out which contractor runs which routes and which lorries or where they are kept,so far, by any other means.It only occurred yesterday that the local council vehicle repair depot is nearby in bodmin si I will swing by this afternoon and see what I can see.Shouldnt think they will have the lorry or be too happy at me wandering around with a camera but its worth a go,see if I can charm something out of someone (yeah,right!Me ....charm...)

The paperwork of the claim that I wasnt aware that I had made came the other day.I had told the bloke at the call centre that I wasnt claiming,just notifying them as per law,regs,etc.However,when I called again to speak to someone I was told that I had filled out a claim form already and treated with obvious scorn and contempt.Working in a call centre aint a lot of fun but theres no need for that.Or the next bloke who kept yawning and making me repeat.The details on the paer bear NO relation to what I would have said,in shock,concussed or dead. As Dennis Eagle dont make anything smaller than 17ton I doubt if I said I hit a 7.5tonner. And thats a good bit.
Since my laptop was smashed in the crash I dont have access to a PC often as I cant use mine at the house,cos I cant go in.Even so, I now have to write out the whole incident in flat dry prose and some how copy it to NFU.As whether I claim or not,the councils insurer,Zurich are claiming against me.So far I have been told,not by anyone involved but by the RAC helpline,that it will probably be a 50/50 liability.I DO NOT agree that I have 50% of the fault.So I have been out with the camera and got photos of the road and the accident site,tyre tracks braking marks from lorry !! and now intend to photograph the whole lane with a surveying rangepole,as the other pics have, in the shots for perspective.I have even been shooting pics of the spirit level at each location to show the slope.
Trouble is here,that I have no printer access so I can only hope to put it all on disc and send it to whoever.

My local NFU office refuse to put me through the bloke who is supposed to be keen and ready to help with all insurance matters and claims.He even had a secretary call me back and tell me he will not speak to me.....I must talk to claims HQ in bristol. Well ,I want advice about NOT claiming !!
I have been crying up how good NFU insurance are all over the net and saying its worth paing the extra to get the personal attention.Please disregard my previous advice.....IT IS NOT WORTH PAYING THE EXTRA.....I can get cheap insurance and be treated like a cnut anywhere.

I have visited my doctor,last friday,and am to see him again on the 20th.He says "aggravation of all pre-existing injuries, shock, concussion,whiplash, and everything that you can expect from being in a car that rolls and then is hit by a big lorry" and sent me away again. Its a bit of a problem, the injuries claim thing.The moment I mention "50/50" no one wants to know anymore.Plus the pre existing stuff. My left lung is all scar tissue, I have back injuries,wear leg (knee and ankle) calipers and ,and and.If I go on too much I will end up losing my license ! So I am a bit cautious about pushing that angle.

Well folks,thats the update,got to get off the borrowed PC now.Thanks for all your suggestions and help.Will try and get back on late and reply to the PMs kindly sent me and update.

all the best


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