The only problem I have is I can't afford to have two because of the insurance so my heads battered I've always wanted a 90 since I've been little and this could be my only chance.
Of course you can. I quite happily do 550-600 miles a week (~30,000 a year) in my 200Tdi 90. I live in the countryside and only rarely go into towns and never into cities so I guess that may be a factor.
No, not at all. I drive a 2005 td5 Defender 75000 last 6 years with no real problems. fuel economy between 28.5 and 31.5 mpg. E.G.R valve removed, ITG air filter, Samco hoses and re-mapped. Enjoy your daily drive in your Defender.;)
Ive had my Defender Td5 90 as my daily driver 180 miles a week for last year and half,only broke down twice where i needed a tow lol its much better than any car,get one and let the fun begin:crazy_driver:
I've got 6k and looking for a decent td5. Will I get a decent one for that money I've seen one but it's had six owners
I wanted a defender for years and when I finally got the cash together, bought my 2012 90 xs station wagon. I do 20-40 miles daily on lanes and regularly do a 500 mile round trip between home and work (work in Devon, home in Kent). No problems with the level of comfort, low noise level and keeps up with most traffic, surprises a few getting away from the lights. But I wouldn't wanna do it in an old banger. So I reckon you would want to consider the comfort level you can live with when deciding if it would suit you as an everyday car. Buy wisely and if it don't suit, you should be able to sell it on without losing money. I wouldn't ever consider changing mine for an ordinary car. :D Go forrit and enjoy.
i got my Td5 82,000 miles 1 owner from new 12 mot 6 months tax £4,750 1999 reg basic model,keep looking you should do
Cheers if anyone sees one let me know I think Ian going to go for one 🙈🙈🙈🙈😂😂😂
I stopped looking for abit something came up in the house !!!!! So back on the hunt now getting excited again hah
I've had my 2001 Defender 90 for about 2 months and use it as my daily car (we have a qashqai for 'family' stuff). I've done 1200 miles in that time and still smile when I get in it (maybe i'm still in the honeymoon period). My daily commute is a whopping 16 miles through the lanes. If the bypass is jammed, I go straight over it on to a BOAT and it literally saves me 20 minutes.
Ive had mine for almost 3 years, driven as an every day car. However I only do about 5k - 6k per year. Though often do long-ish drives and its fine. Fun actually, nothing like driven a Defender around :D

That said Ive fitted very comfy bucket seats and a lot of sound proofing which means you can now have a normal conersation at 50mph without shouting.

Plus ive also fitted a few bits that make it more modern/driveable like a remap & heated windscreen.
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I drive my 300tdi 90 daily. Have done a good 1200 miles since having it mot'd a month ago, its quite comfy for my commute (luckily its now a 6mile 60mph commute). The cost of commuting weekly is around £10-15, so very affordable. My old job was . Weekly commute of 400miles so I assume thst it might have been a bit different then!

I have standard springs and dampers on my 90 as going for any stiffer i think will ruin the feel and ride quality.
Looking at getting my first defender in the coming weeks. But I will use it as my everyday car! And when I mention it to people they look at me as if I've just said ive just jumped from the moon in shorts.

Am I really that crazy for wanting one as a everyday car ? 🙈🙈🙈🙈

Maybe there is some misunderstanding here...

A Defender is hardly an extreme vehicle in standard trim. It'll be no more difficult or worse to use daily than almost any sports car ever built. Or something like a 1990's or earlier hatchback. A Pug 106 diesel is just as noisy and rides no better.

Would be people astonished if you wanted to drive a Disco 1 daily? Bearing in mind pretty much all the oily bits and basic construction are identical to a Defenders... and the only real difference being slightly more refined due to a slightly different body structure and mounting system.
For a view from the truly daft...

I drive an 86 110 2.5D in and out of Boston in the Colonies on a daily basis - 60 miles round trip.

Other than the stop-and-go traffic (where the left leg gets a workout) I would not consider it undoable at all. I will admit to a very good sound insulating mat system and bucket seats with lumbar supports, but it's more than doable.

Daft, yes. Doable, yes. Fun? Certainly. And NO ONE EVER cuts me off in traffic... :)

Did 5600 miles in my 110 Td5 last month, to Morocco and back, last stretch from Gibraltar to Santandar was 800 motorway miles in 11 hours and all I suffered was a bit of Landy leg rubbing the handbrake. Td5's are actually not that bad to do distance in. Before my 110 goes on another trip I will be either getting an Ashcroft R380 gearbox with a Discovery 5th gear fitted or the cheaper option of simply fitting a 1.2 transfer box, as a remapped Td5 does get through the gears pretty quickly on a motorway and get pretty needlessly revvy.
Don't see the problem,my last vehicle was a Mitsubishi L200 with 6" of lift running on 33" muds,it was my only mode of transport.
Later this year my disco will get the same teatment and also be traybacked.It will still be my everyday vehicle.

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