If my memory is up to scratch I rekon the 90 in question will be baby blue.:eek::eek::eek:
Don't remember him saying its had a new chassis in its life or a new bulkhead and while we are on the subject new doors, as every man and his dog knows they will not be as new from 1984!!

I am starting to think your friend sold him this 90 and you are justifying why he got robbed

why does it have to have had so much spent on it for it to be worth good money ?

do you not accept that it just might be very original, and in very good condition ?

feel free to think whatever you like, if you are trying to start an argument you'll have to do way better than this young man
If it's the landy I'm thinking of, I'm pretty sure it had a lot of welding done on it so should be pretty solid. A solid chassis with a strong 200tdi lump in it is a pretty good base.
Don't really care as I ain't buying it or intrested in buying it!!
Just feel sorry for the poor bloke that paid that much for it.

And as I already said mine was a good base at half the price
sible88, since you aren't interested in buying it why are you persisting in commenting on how bad or otherwise you think it may be, especially when you haven't seen it. I'm not interested in starting an argument with you, I fully understand you think I was was robbed etc and thanks to you so will anyone viewing this thread.
Mods, any chance you can remove this thread please? I understand its a public forum but surely when somebody is trying to sell something they shouldn't have to read negative comments from someone not even interested in buying it in the first place, the 'for sale' section was better in previous format imho. No toys out of pram here, just stating the way i see it.
The reason I put forward my comment as everyone else has done is because I can't believe someone from landyzone has ripped you off.
The only reason you have moaned about my comments is because it's not what you want to hear!!
I am only speaking the truth and don't want to argue with anyone as I CBA.
Hope you get as much as you can for it fella as I feel bad for you.
Thanks but i don't see how 'wishful thinking' on one comment and '2950 yeah right' helps anyone sible88, least of all me. You're correct I didn't want to hear it, who would?? Lets hope i do sell it! Maybe i did pay over the odds but its still a decent landy I cba arguing either mate.:)
There are plenty of people who come on here just to sell things.
You will sell it there are plenty of mugs out there, you brought it didn't ya?
The reason I put forward my comment as everyone else has done is because I can't believe someone from landyzone has ripped you off.
The only reason you have moaned about my comments is because it's not what you want to hear!!
I am only speaking the truth and don't want to argue with anyone as I CBA.
Hope you get as much as you can for it fella as I feel bad for you.

you aren't speaking the truth - it's your OPINION

there's a very big difference
So if you think it's good value and it's a super doper landy put your money where your mouth is.

my entire point - which you have so spectacularly failed to spot

is that condition is EVERYTHING - and you are simply basing your derogatory comments on a verbal description

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